【禁聞】聲援反洗腦停職 政法大學老師退黨






記者:「 從哪個地方﹖」





王朝嶧:「 有他的。但你看到沒有?那個微博是之前的微博。昨天他的微博發出來的。後來有這個消息之後被封了。」













University Professor Openly Renounces Chinese Communist Party

On the evening of September 9, Chinese lawyer
Wang Zhaoyi confirmed information in a micro-blog.
Zhang Xuezhong, professor of the East China University
of Political Science and Law (ECUPL) has openly renounced the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Zhang Xuezhong had previously
been suspended from teaching.
He had openly supported Hong Kong students’
campaign against brainwashing by the CCP regime.

Zhang Xuezhong is a professor of Civil Law
and Master instructor at ECUPL.
He gave lectures at the National University of Singapore
and the University of South Carolina in the U.S.
Zhang Xuezhong is a long-term contributor of political
commentaries to Singapore’s United Morning Paper.
He has been a strong advocate to promoting
China’s national unity and political democracy.

On September 10, our NTD reporter did not find wording
In Zhang Xuezhong’s micro-blog of quitting the CCP.
Guizhou-based lawyer Wang Zhaoyi reveals
that he witnessed Zhang’s renouncement.
However, the claim was quickly removed by the authorities.

Reporter: “Where did you see his renouncement?"
Wang Zhaoyi: “In his micro-blog."
Reporter: “I just searched but didn’t find it in his micro-blog."
Wang Zhaoyi: “His micro-blog has been blocked."

Reporter: “But I could see other messages in his micro-blog."
Wang Zhaoyi: “Yes, but didn’t you notice that
the remaining messages were all old posts.
His renouncement was sent yesterday, but was soon blocked.”
Reporter: “Only this message was blocked?"

Wang Zhaoyi: “Right. His messages on these few days
seemed to be all blocked. One was the renouncement.
It was sent yesterday and other netizens could also read it."

Reporter: “Did you see his renouncement in his micro-blog?"
Wang Zhaoyi: “Yes, that’s right."

So far, Zhang Xuezhong’s articles in his micro-blog
have been removed by the authorities.
Prior to that, Zhang Xuezhong had commented to Hong Kong
students about the CCP national education program.
The ECUPL thus removed Zhang’s eligibility
for teaching undergraduate courses.

Zhang commented on this issue in his micro-blog,
saying, “I want to speak to those who made the decision.”
“As university leaders, your first duty should be to safeguard
freedom of thought, academia and expression for teachers.
This is rather than assisting political powers
to muzzle free speech and suppress dissidents.”
“I hope the decision that you made was out of your
conscience, and can withstand the test of time."

In 2011, Zhang Xuezhong appealed in an open letter
to Yuan Guiren, the CCP Education Minister.
Zhang called for the cancellation of political subjects
in undergraduate and graduate entrance exams.
He called for a removal of courses on Marxism,

Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory
from the University Core Curriculum.
It was then announced his contract might not be renewed.

Wang Zhaoyi thought that Zhang Xuezhong’s renouncement
might be his decision after a long period of deep thinking.

On September 7, Zhang Xuezhong posted in his micro-blog.

“Education should not only help individuals
to acquire expertise knowledge.
It should help them develop healthy,
tolerant and kind personalities.
Just because of this, the government
should not intervene with education.
Nor should citizens embrace the so-called 『national
education’ program pursued by the government.
The government is a thing that most inclined to rot,
so it is ineligible to intervene with and defile the education of our next generation."

Zhang Xuezhong continued, “A country cannot be heartedly
approved by citizens with their loyalty, unless it can ensure
each one’s dignity, liberty, property and safety through
setting up a fair and reasonable political establishment.
Otherwise, no amount of indoctrination and preaching could
change the fragmented situation that the country exhibits.
Coercion and deception will never
gain recognition from the people! “

In 2004, The Epoch Times published an editorial series
of the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party".
The articles fully dissect the CCP’s “untrue-evil-violence”
and its wicked nature against humanity and the universe.
The editorial thoroughly broke the chains of mental slavery
of the Chinese people imposed by the CCP for decades.

Since its release, the “Nine Commentaries" have massively
evoked the spiritual awakening of the Chinese people.
A tidal wave of “Quitting the CCP” was triggered.

Up until now, over 123 Million Chinese people have
renounced the CCP and its affiliated organizations.
