Typhoons Trigger Evacuations in Taiwan and China
1. trigger [ˋtrɪgɚ] v. 引發
2. evacuation [ɪ͵vækjʊˋeʃən] n. 撤離
3. landfall [ˋlænd͵fɔl] n. 登陸
4. gale [gel] n. 強風
5. touch off v.phr. 觸發
6. ground [graund] v. 擱淺、停飛
7. strand [strænd] v. 使受困
8. destructive [dɪˋstrʌktɪv] adj. 破壞的; 毀滅性的
Typhoons hit Taiwan and mainland China forcing the evacuation of hundreds and of thousands of people from their homes.
Saola made landfall in Taiwan on Thursday night, bringing heavy rains and gales, and touching off widespread mudslides and flooding.
In eastern China, aircraft were grounded with more than 100 flights cancelled—stranding thousands of passengers when a second typhoon, Damrey, made landfall.
Chinese weather forecasters expect more flooding as the destructive second typhoon makes its way northwest.
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