【禁聞】喻丹奧運奪銅謝父母 輿論齊讚揚


















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/李月

Media Praise Yu Dan’s Gratitude to Parents after Getting Olympic Bronze Medal

For a long time, people have become accustomed
to Chinese athletes’ speeches, which give
“thanks to the country, thanks to the leadership."

But on July 29, Chinese player Yu Dan said that she
wanted to “thank my parents the most,”
after she captured the bronze medal
at the London Olympic Games.
Chinese reporters applauded and
other reporters were also touched.
Commentators think that Chinese athletes have awakened.

The final of the women’s 10 meter air rifle at the London
Olympic Games concluded on July 29.
It took place at the Royal Artillery Regiment barracks.

25-year old Yu Dan from Sichuan Province
won the bronze medal with the score of 501.5 ring.
A British female reporter asked Yu: “Yu Dan,
can you talk about your mood after getting the medal?"

She was unlike other Chinese athletes who
always say, “thank the country and the leadership.”
Yu Dan said, “I want to thank my parents the most…”
She chocked afterwards, standing to take a deep bow.
“Baba and Mama, I really thank you!
You have gone through hardship…” Yu Dan started crying.

Chinese journalists who were present applauded this.
Loud applause was heard after it was translated.
British reporters also had tears in her eyes.

Sun Wenguang, Shandong University professor:
“When Chinese athletes say thanks to their parents,
it indicates a failure of the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) education of slavery.

Sun Wenguang: “The CCP uses its resources on education
to brainwash students that their happiness, and progress of society, depend completely on the CCP.
Young people have this model of thinking.
They thank the CCP first in all situations.”

Ju Bin, former Chinese professional basketball player,

who now coaches basketball in Canada, said that
it is human nature to thank one’s parents and oneself.

Ju Bin: “This statement echoes
with the athlete field in China.
People are slowly starting to think about
not saying these untruthful things.
In China’s system, one has to thank the CCP.

Without doing that, and without confirming the CCP,
you are not allowed to compete or get training.
This is how the system works.”

In the 2010 Winter Olympics, China’s athlete Zhou Yang
got the 1500m short track speed skating gold medal.
She said after the games that
“I will change a lot after this gold medal.
I am more confident and can
let my parents live a better life.”

Zhou Yang’s statement was criticized by Yu Zaiqing,
deputy leader of China’s General Administration of Sport.
He publicly expressed: “It is correct to thank one’s parents.

You also need to have your country in your heart,
and put the country in first position.”

Li Na, who left the Chinese national team in 2009
and won the 2011 French Open, expressed publicly many times that “playing tennis is not for the country.”

Ju Bin pointed out that Chinese
athletes are starting to wake up.
China’s “Entire National System” involves many benefits
and power struggles, so that they cannot completely awaken.

Ju Bin: “The bottom line is to have this system collapse.
Sports should come from people and society. But it is not the case in China.
The Chinese government uses money on several people.
These people work for the government, not for the people.”

In addition, gold medalist Yi Siling published
a standard thankful message on her microblog:
“Thanks for the support from the country and the people.”
Chinese media reported heavily on Yi Siling, but rarely on Yu.
Yu Dan’s name was not mentioned in the congratulation
message from the state council.
CCP state media CCTV did not have
a close-up shot of Yu Dan.

Some media even interpreted her tears
as losing the silver medal for missing the last shot.

Some commented that Yu Dan’s statement reflects
“filial piety,” a component of traditional Chinese culture.
It promoted the Chinese culture.

Netizens praised Yu Dan that her statements
make her parents prouder than the medal.
It is human nature. Some netizens worry that
her statement might impact her future.
