【禁聞】胡習主導18大省級換班 貴州先行

【新唐人2012年7月20日訊】中共媒體日前宣佈貴州省黨政最高領導職務的調整,栗戰書卸任書記職務,「另有任用」。外界認為,栗戰書預計將調往北京中央部門,並由此拉開了中共18大前省級一把手調整的序幕。 不過,評論人士分析,薄熙來事件之後,胡錦濤雖然主導了18大人事佈局,但他錯過了完全主導政局的最佳時機。










傑森 時事評論員「胡錦濤如果當時再有點魄力,直接把血債派拿下,現在其實就是一統天下了。只是他當時還是沒有魄力、沒有膽量、沒有一個突破性的想法,到現在的話,還得在權利的鬥爭中較量。」




採訪/陳漢 編輯/宋風 後製/君卓

China’s Leadership Reshuffle Kicked Off

Guizhou Province’ top leadership reshuffle was announced
by the Chinese Communist Party’ (CCP) media.
Removed as Guizhou’s Party chief, Li Zhanshu,
is predicted to fill a position in the Central Government.
The move kicked off the prologue of CCP’ provincial-level
leadership changes ahead of its upcoming 18th congress.
Commentators think Hu Jintao dominated
the selection of the Party’s new top leadership team.
However, Hu has missed the best chance of gaining
a complete control over the CCP, experts predict.

The CCP official media Xinhuanet.com reported on July 18,
Li Zhanshu, former CCP chief of Guizhou Province, is to be appointed on some specific posts.

BBC Chinese cited some sources as saying
that Li Zhanshu is very likely to be given key positions.
He is seen as a hot candidate for being Director
of General Office of the CCP Central Committee.
Another source said that the CCP top-level leaders plan
to name him as Organization Minister, a role that has the final say on the Party cadres’ political careers.

Reportedly, a close relationship exists between Li Zhanshu,
President Hu Jintao, and Vice President Xi Jinping.
Li was viewed as acceptable by two factions,
those headed by Hu and Xi.
The issue of Li’s appointment was said to be finalized
at the Beidaihe meeting prior to the CCP 18th congress.

Hong Kong-based Takungpao.com
commented on the issue.
It said, by convention, a nationwide reshuffle of the CCP’s
provincial leadership is done before its 5-yearly congress.
The reappointment of Guizhou Provincial leaders
was this year’s first action.
It is deemed to be a preparation and deployment
for the Party’s new central leadership team.

Liu Yinquan, (Chair, Anti-Political Persecution Alliance
of China): “This shows that Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping are dominating CCP’s central leadership selection.
It implies, Hu and Xi’s power would be reinforced through
this adjustment, with Jiang Zemin’s clique more weakened."

Liu Yinquan thinks that the cadres selected by Hu and Xi
would be outside the blood-debt clan led by Jiang Zemin.

Liu Yinquan: “Its 18th congress is a very crucial occasion
for the Hu-Wen faction, and Xi Jinping.
They should use this chance to weaken and deal a blow
to the blood-debt clan under Jiang Zemin,
and lay a foundation for the next step
of opening-up and redressing unjust verdicts.”

Liu Yinquan thinks, China’s major problems can be resolved
only after the blood-debt clan leaves the stage of history.
And then the clan could be punished
for their crimes accordingly.

Critic Jason Ma found that Hu Jintao did not make
good use of the Bo Xilai’s case.
Hu, accepting suggestions from Jiang’s clique, handled
Bo’s case as if it was an isolated disciplinary violation.
This let the blood-debt clan represented by Zhou Yongkang
off the hook and not being investigated for alleged rebellion.
The case ended up with an internal compromise,
reached between the two key factions.

Jason Ma: “If Hu Jintao had more boldness and purged
the blood-debt clan directly at the time, he would’ve been holding the overall control of the situation now.
Hu lacked courage and failed to think outside the box,
so he has to be contending in the power struggle today.”

Jason Ma points out that Hu Jintao’s yielding enabled his
stay on as the Military head for another two years, and his men to be assigned good positions.
But this was a move against China’s democratic process,
and again retrogressing the rule of law.
Jason Ma predicts that Hu’s action has imposed
a great risk to CCP’s future.

The latest issue of Mirror Monthly revealed that the CCP’s
Beidaihe meeting would be held from July 25 to mid-August.
A sensitive top leadership appointments and amendments
to Party Constitution would be partial meeting agendas.
The informed sources said, it is still up in the air whether
it would be 9-seat or 7-seat Politburo’ Standing Committee.

In brief, the CCP’s infighting is still continuing.
