【禁聞】方濱興悼亡友 網民嘆「可惜不是你」

【新唐人2012年7月10日訊】方濱興悼亡友 網民嘆「可惜不是你」



1400公安局長集訓 政法委靠邊









Fang Binxing Mourns Professor.
Netizens Comment “Sadly It Isn’t You!”

Fang Binxing, Principal of Beijing University of Posts
and Telecom, posted an article on Sina microblog.
Fang was responsible for establishing
“China’s Great Fire Wall”, used in internet censorship.
The posted article was to commemorate
a computer professor who passed away recently.
Fang’s microblog stopped the comments function,
so netizens circulated their comments on Fang’s article.
When they forwarded these comments,
some added the sentence, “Sadly, it isn’t you!”
The circulation increased rapidly,
and so far has reached tens of thousands.

The lyrics “sadly it isn’t you!” are from a song
by Taiwanese singer Fish Leong.
Netizens mocked Fang and changed the lyrics
to “the next will be you!”
Some netizens teased with “Fang Binxing
was a pity, as sadly it isn’t you!”

Radio France Internationale ridiculed whether the
Chinese regime would censor the song “Sadly it isn’t you!”
For the internet police it was a hard job, as reports
said they had to censor Fish Leong’s song.

Ministry of Public Security Replaces
Political and Legislative Committee

According to recent mainland Chinese media reports,

the Ministry of Public Security is planning to train
1400 new police chiefs in Beijing, to work nationwide.
This is to intensify the strength of maintaining “stability”.

Analysts said that the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)
are not only using this move to deal with citizens before
the 18th Congress, but also to replace the Political
and Legislative Affairs Committee (PLAC).
Comments said that the Ministry of Public Security
will take over power.

Fujian Province Revealed Another
Forced Abortion at 8 Months Pregnant

News of a pregnant lady from Shaanxi being forced to
abort her unborn child received international’s condemnation.
Recently in Fujian province, another lady
in late pregnancy was forced to abort.

Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post reported that an
8 month pregnant lady Pan Chunyan was forced into abortion.
Pan, wife of farmer Wu Liangjie, is from Xianyou County,
and authorities forced them to pay 50,000 Yuan in penalties.
The charges were for an extra birth, but three days
after the payment, Pan was still forced into abortion.
Her husband, Wu Liangjie, wanted justice.

Beijing lawyer Zhang Kai, who defended Feng Jianmei,
with lawyer Xu Can, has taken on the case.
At present, Fujian officials hope to negotiate
with Wu privately to close the case.

Radio Free Asia reported that Feng Jianmei’s
husband Deng Jiyuan has returned home.
He planned to accept the local authorities’
agreement to settle the case.
Deng Jiyuan’s mother, who is suffering with cancer,
didn’t agree to pursue the lawsuit.

Previously, Deng Jiyuan had insisted on the compensation
and to charge the person who was responsible.
He also said he wouldn’t accept any agreement.
