










7月1號當天,中共國家主席胡錦濤正在香港訪問,而參加7.1遊行、抗議中共暴政的人們在出發前已經站滿了5個足球場。另外,7月1號在華文推特上最熱的帖子是梁小軍律師的行為藝術,他表達了「 中共在屠殺中國人民」的含義。

採訪/李倩倩 編輯/李蓮 後製/葛雷

CCP Mouthpiece Claims Four Major Crises, Critics Claim More

On the eve of the 91st anniversary of the so-called founding of
Chinese Communist Party, People’s Daily editorial recognized four major crises in CCP.
Both domestic and foreign scholars and experts comment that
the party mouthpiece is understating the facts.
They point out that the CCP can no longer hide that
the biggest crisis the CCP faces is disintegration.
The following is our detailed report.

A People’s Daily editorial, still claiming the CCP to be
“great, glorious, and correct,"
admitted the CCP is facing four major crises,

which are “lack of spirit, lack of capacity,
alienation from the masses, and corruption."
It also pointed out serious issues such as “firm ideals
and beliefs, being honest and upright" and more.

Tang Baiqiao, a human rights activist and the president
of the Democracy Academy of China comments that
the biggest crisis of CCP is disintegration and demise.

The editorial is down playing the issue by calling it
four major crises.

Tang Baiqiao: “It (CCP) minimized the level of corruption.
It is not just negative corruption but a collective corruption with intention.
It is more than an issue of alienating itself from the people,
the people are fighting against its tyranny and overthrowing it.
Today, the vast majority are directly requesting to end
the tyranny and to disintegrate the CCP.
Those who share the insight, conscience, and knowledge
should find a way to get out and to knock down the rotten system."

While the editorial was published, a riot broke out
in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province,
where tens of thousands of civilians fought against riot police
and the army with bottles and stones.
Southeast University Law Professor Chang Tsan-ning believes
communist China is facing more than four crises.

Southeast University law professor Chang Tsan-ning:
“There may be more than those issues. The issues need to be clearly stated.
The corruption is due to lack of supervision.
The ban on parties and free press should be lifted.
Without supervision, anti-corruption will only push
for more corruption.
Whether a party is being great and glorious should
be decided by the people, not by the party itself."

The editorial also repeated that the CCP is a Marxist party.

Tang Baiqiao smiled and said that the CCP is still
self-proclaiming itself great, glorious and correct,
while the people no longer believe them and
actually make a mockery of them.

Tang Baiqiao: “The talk of being a Marxist party
is especially a joke.
The CCP is an absolute monopoly of assets.
Isn’t every senior cadre of the CCP a billionaire?
Marxism, the proletariat political party,
is the vanguard of the proletariat;
the CCP is the vanguard to oppress the proletariat.
How shameless!"

A Mainland netizen, Renhaipianmin@jianjian5614,
interpreted the editorial regarding the four crises in current
Chinese society by making the following comments on Twitter:
First, there’s an increasing IQ of the people and
declining morals of the officials;
Second, there’s an anti-corruption slogan of the regime
and also uncontrollable corruption of the officials;
Third, there are the “facts" announced by officials
and the distrust of the people;
Fourth, the officials’ claim to serve the people and
the people fear being served.

Tang Baiqiao: “The intense internal struggle within the
CCP system has triggered the People’s Daily editorial staff
to behave like people who suffer from malaria, that is,
lose control of itself. Those writers are only party tools.
The CCP internal fights are now open, and those People’s
Daily writers don’t know what to do anymore."

July 1, Chinese President Hu Jintao visited Hong Kong.

He was welcomed by people who occupied as many as
five football fields. They were protesting against the CCP tyranny.
In addition, the most popular Chinese tweet on July 1 was
the performance art of lawyer Liang Xiaojun,
who expressed the actions of the Chinese Communist Party
as committing “the massacre of the Chinese."
