【禁聞】紅歌懷舊 歌詞不紅



例如《洪湖水浪打浪》歌詞有一句:「共產黨的恩情比那東海深,像太陽。」台灣歌手謝採妘錄製這首歌時,把歌詞裡的「共產黨」改成了「爹娘」。而被稱為 江澤民情婦的宋祖英在美國演唱這首歌時,唱的也是「爹娘的恩情比那東海深」,去掉了「共產黨」的內容。






「華龍網傳媒公司」歌手 楊銀波:「老年人的詮釋,那有懷舊的﹔還有一些個,藉著這個紅歌裡面的所謂純潔性,來對現在當下的現實表達不滿﹔還有的就壓根兒沒想甚麼政治形態,就是純粹是業餘愛好,因為他們對當下的流行文化有一個隔膜在。」




獨立評論員 洪劍「只能說明中共是個徹頭徹尾的邪教,它那個獨裁,對民眾的洗腦後,老百姓已經被黨文化所 精神控制 ,已經不知道,真正的中華民族的文化是甚麼?體會不到那五千年傳統文化的博大精深和偉大。」


採訪/常春 編輯/尚燕 後製/肖顏

Red Songs Express Nothing but Nostalgia

One Sunday in May, Beijing Jingshan Park saw a group singing
“Waves in Lake Hong”, and a “red” song eulogizing CCP.
Red-song park gatherings were previously banned in Beijing and
Chongqing after Bo Xilai stepped down.
Its current revival calls for attention from global media.

Some from the group of singers said they did not really agree
with the political messages in the lyrics,
though they did enjoy the familiar tunes. They actually
skipped the lyrics in praise of CCP or changed them.

For example, “Waves in Lake Hong” includes a line “The
Party’s favor is deeper than East China Sea, and is like the sun."
Taiwanese singer Michelle Hsieh changed the “Party”
in the lyric into “parents.”
So did Song Zuying, known as Jiang Zemin’s
mistress, when she sang this song in the United States.
They both removed the contents about Communism.

Mainland TV Director: “She must have felt it inappropriate
to bring Mainland China’s propaganda to America to sing the red songs.
So she changed it into a more human way to play down the
ideological and political overtones.”

“Red song” and “model operas",
both products of the Mao period,
have been detested by people who suffered
during the Cultural Revolution.
From another point of view, however, that generation of
Chinese people had no alternative art form outside such “revolutionary" and “patriotic" art education.

A Mainland TV director who chooses to be anonymous told
NTD that many people are already too old to learn new songs.
The only songs they are familiar with are the red songs they
learned when young.

Mainland Chinese TV Director: “They do not have choices
about what to sing.
Songs like “Waves in Lake Hong” are already red songs
with more sentiments than political color.
At the current time, what other songs can you
expect them to sing?
The popular song in the past two decades are
beyond the old generation’s ability to learn.
They can only sing such red songs because of both their nostalgia
and the limited number of songs they are familiar with.”

Yang Yinbo, singer with CQ News Media said, although people
of that generation were instilled with some propaganda,
each individual had his own take of the red songs.

When people now sing those songs, it doesn’t mean they
agree with the extremist political atmosphere of that time.

Yang Yinbo, singer with CQ News Media: “Some elderly
people sing the red songs out of nostalgia,
others resort to them as a way of criticizing the current situation,
still others have no sense of ideology and only take singing as a hobby.
They are isolated from the current popular culture.”

Yang Yinbo witnessed the movement of “sing the red and
strike the black" in Chongqing.
After the June Fourth movement, the song “Bloodstained Glory”
became popular among the young, especially after the introduction by Hong Kong singer Anita Mui.
It embodied the patriotism of the young generation.

He believes that current red songs have no market outside China,
so CCP can only resort to nostalgia to promote those songs.

Yang Yinbo: “Now global Communism is becoming
increasingly weak, almost forgotten by many, so it is already outdated.
I understand that the red songs are only an expression of

Due to their power of political propaganda, red songs have been
used by CCP to be an ideological weapon.
Ironically, red songs also serve to criticize the autocratic system.

Independent critic Hong Jian: “This only proves that
CCP is a completely evil cult.
After its brainwashing, Chinese people have been controlled
by the Party Culture,
unaware of the authentic and profound Chinese tradition
of the past 5000 years.”

Independent critic Hong Jian said that people who grew up
from the Mao era loved singing but had no songs to sing, which is indeed a pity.
