














杜斌:「 它(中共)不是跟糞便一樣骯髒,它應該是比糞便還骯髒。看看發生在艾青身上的事情,看看發生在艾未未身上的事情。現在他做的工作,比他父親做的還要到位,他打入內部,他不是說了嗎?『我是蛆』。」


採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/君卓

“Deity Ai”: World’s First Biography About Ai Weiwei

“Deity Ai”, the world’s first biography book about Ai Weiwei
is due to be released on June 20th in Hong Kong.
The book tells the story of “an artist, a citizen, a person who
acts together with his compatriots to fight a life-or-death war against a superpower on this planet.”
It seems that all Ai Weiwei has done is to help himself and
other people to get recourse to their life dignity from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), according to the author.
And the book is intended to express support and tribute to
warrior Ai Weiwei, says the author.

The book “Deity Ai” was authored by Du Bin, contract
photographer of the New York Times.

In this book, Du Bin outlines how Ai Weiwei grew up.

Ai spent his childhood in herding goats while living with his
parents in exile on the countryside.
After returning to Beijing, he found his spiritual paradise in
joining the Stars Painting Society, however, negative forces were gathering;
Later, Ai quit the Beijing Film Academy and went abroad to
seek freedom.
Finding himself bored with old-fashioned school studies,

Ai began to meet with a wide variety of people and
take part in various demonstrations.
His father’s serious illness brought him back to China where
he made a living by designing buildings.
Ai participated in the design of the Bird’s Nest Stadium for
the Beijing Olympic Games.
While understanding that the CCP actually used the Olympics
Games to sugar up its dictatorship,
Ai Weiwei refused to attend the 2008 Olympics opening
ceremony and expressed his views to foreign media.
Upon realizing the power of the internet, Ai began to take
notice of social injustices in China.
These included the Yang Jia incident and
the Great Sichuan Earthquake.
Ai Weiwei’s new found status of a rights-defense leader
put the CCP on edge.
The regime, unable to stand Ai’s public impact,
found an excuse to put him in jail for 81 days.

“Deity Ai” the salutation was coined by Chinese netizens to
show their respect for Ai Weiwei.
Its implication is that “he is like a patron saint who stands up
to speak for those in need."

Du Bin raises questions: why does a widely respected artist
have to “fight for the people”?
And why does a dying regime desperately attempt to remove
and discredit him?
There is only one reason that Ai Weiwei upsets the CCP,
that is, Ai reveres human life, Du Bin concludes.

Du Bin: “The conflict between Ai Weiwei and the CCP
focuses on human life.
In other words, Ai Weiwei cares about human life,
but the CCP doesn’t."

Du Bin notes that the CCP has guns, canons, prisons, tanks,
atomic bombs, and super capabilities to destroy the world,
but never cares about human life.

Ai Weiwei has done what a human being should do;
telling the CCP: We’re human beings, not animals !
The book quotes Ai Weiwei as saying that,

“ We’re the most tired people of the whole mankind,
for we also have to prove that we’re human beings.”

As an artist, Ai Weiwei incorporates his art into the change of
Chinese society, which few artists have done, says Du Bin.

Du Bin: “His brightest quality is his fight against the power.

In very artistic, soft and skillful approaches, he has been
battling a power regime, which is his most precious quality.
The art is the fruit of human wisdom,
an unexpected approach usually for others.
But in such a smart way, he has succeeded in exerting
social influences."

What Ai Weiwei has done are all small things, which could
touch the softest place in one’s heart, says Du Bin.

Du Bin, “What touched me most is his collection of so many
victim students’ names of the Wenchuan Earthquake.
One of his works consisted of nearly 9,000 student backpacks.

It』s such an impact that every backpack was just like a child
there, but they were all gone.”

Ai Weiwei’s father Ai Qing was exiles for 20 years by the CCP
during the period, he was assigned to sweep excrement.
Du Bin comments that today, his son Ai Weiwei continues
to do the same work.
Some netizens expressed their tributes to Ai Weiwei for his
sticking to fight in China and giving up living overseas to do it.
Ai Weiwei replied, “I am a maggot". The CCP regime was
addressed as “feces regime” in Du Bin’s book “Deity Ai”.

Du Bin: “It (the CCP) is not as dirty as feces, but dirtier.
Just take a look at what happened to Ai Qing and Ai Weiwei.
Now he has done a better job than his father, infiltrating
inside it. Didn’t he say that, 『I am a maggot』?”

Du Bin says, Ai Weiwei cares about human life,
while the CCP doesn’t.
The battle between them symbolizes a life-or-death war for
hundreds of millions of Chinese people and the CCP.
The war won’t be stopped as long as the CCP exists says
Du Bin.
