









「山東大學」退休教授孫文廣:「 中國(共)政法委要干擾香港的內部事務,這是違反基本法的,侵犯香港公民權利。應該提出抗議,用各種方法進行抵制。這不僅關係到香港的公民權利,也關係到大陸的希望。」


孫文廣:「更重要的我倒認為,(希望)這個遊行示威能夠成功,能夠和平有序的進行,表達香港的民意,也表達大陸民眾的心情,因為大陸不能夠遊行示威。 它所起的作用也應該是積極的。」



採訪/朱智善 撰稿/王子琦 後製/柏妮

Zhou Yongkang Pressures Beijing with Li Wangyang’s Death

The alleged “suicide” case of 6.4 Tiananmen protest activist,
Li Wangyang, has outraged Hong Kong citizens.
Beyond intense criticism, Hong Kong people staged a run of
mass protests against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Recently, Zhou Yongkang, head of the CCP’s Political and
Legislative Affairs Committee (PLAC),
was reported to utilize Li Wangyang’s death
to provoke Hong Kong citizens to greater anger.
Zhou Yongkang’s goal is to embarrass the CCP President
Hu Jingtao, during his visit to Hong Kong on July 1.

On June 17, Buxun.com quoted a senior official from
Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Office:
after Li Wangyang was killed in the officially alleged “suicide”
the working group in charge of collecting intelligence found
that several forces were gathering in Hong Kong, aiming to
utilize the death of Li Wangyang to pressure Beijing.

One such Hong Kong force had taken orders from the PLAC
led by Zhou Yongkang to utilize the death of Li Wangyang.
By intentionally putting off the investigations, Zhou’s force
aims to irritate Hong Kong citizens and to provoke a large demonstration on July 1,
intending to embarrass Hu Jintao on his visit to Hong Kong’s
anniversary of the reunification.
By raising the Beijing-Hong Kong antagonism, Beijing will be
pressured to admit the ‘value and necessity’ of the PLAC.

Commentator Lan Shu says, the CCP has been beset with
internal and external troubles since the beginning of 2012.
The CCP Premier Wen Jiabao has proposed several times
that political reform will be carried out.

Lan Shu: “But the reform proposal has never been accepted
by the PLAC and the forces who willingly resort to the CCP’s
historically high-handed and violent way of keeping ‘stability’.

In this case, they’re eager to see a large demonstration held
in Hong Kong at such a very delicate moment like July 1,
which targets Hu Jintao and the reformist CCP top leaders."

Lan Shu thinks the news is only partly reliable, but that Hu
and Wen should assume partial responsibility for it,
because all of the CCP’s top leaders will be held liable
to the Party’s mechanisms of stability maintenance.
Lan Shu doubts—if the PLAC is actually behind the death of
Li Wangyang,
why didn’t the CCP’s non-blood debt leaders speak out
about the differences between themselves and the PLAC?

Lan Shu: “Any leader who really wants to implement reform
wouldn’t make himself a scapegoat for the true blood-debtor
and nor is he supposed to willingly confront mass protestors.

He needs to make a clear distinction between himself
and the blood-debtor, otherwise, it proves that he is willing to take the blame himself."

Overseas pro-democracy activist, Guo Baoluo, disclosed
that the PLAC’s top leadership ordered to kill Li Wangyang.

Guo Baoluo, a Hong Kong senior official who liaisons with
the Guangdong authorities, also revealed that
the PLAC’s organs and Stability Preservation Offices of
Guangdong and Shenzhen are Beijing’s tools to control Hong Kong.
Regional PLAC offices can issue a blacklisted entry into
Hong Kong without need for the central authorities’ approval.

Sun Wenguang(Retired professor, Shandong University):
" The PLAC’s interference with Hong Kong’s internal affairs is
a violation of the Basic Law and Hong Kong’s civil rights.
and people should protest and resist it in a variety of ways.

It is not only the concern of civil rights in Hong Kong, but
is also related to the hope of the mainland Chinese people.”

Sun Wenguang says that Zhou Yongkang may use a mass
protest to stir up trouble,
yet a large-scale demonstration in Hong Kong could bring
a big and positive impact on resolving the issue of Li Wangyang’s death.

Sun Wenguang: “Personally I hope this mass protest will be
successfully staged,
expressing Hong Kong’s public opinion as well as that
of the mainland Chinese—here, protests are still banned,
so I believe it will bring positive influences.”

On June 17, over 30 political parties and groups took to
the streets to collect signatures, urging the CCP regime to investigate the cause of Li Wangyang’s death.

June 18—Hong Kong’s Apple Daily reported that, signature
numbers had reached 70,000, just 30,000 short of the goal.
On his upcoming visit to Hong Kong, Hu Jintao will take
the biggest number of “Zhongnanhai bodyguards"
since Hongkong’s 1997reunification, said the news report.

Several Hong Kong officials have taken soft stances on the
Li Wangyang death case, probably fearing public opinions.
