







藍述:「血債派目前在黨內處於劣勢,這一點是肯定的。對於鎮壓法輪功,對傳統文化的圍剿,他們處於一種劣勢的狀態, 所以這一類新聞會出來,這倒是一個信號。」







採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/ 李若琳


Breaking 13-Year Silence On Qigong To Attack Bloody-Hands Faction?

Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) suppressed
Falun Gong in 1999, all other Qigong forms were banned.
People then avoid mentioning the topic of Qigong.

Recently, the Health Department in Gansu Province broke the
silence with a sudden declaration that Qigong is beneficial to health.
In addition, Gansu Health Department organized doctors
to learn Qigong.
The Ministry of Health affirmed Gansu’s move and official
media reported on the address by a Ministry of Health’s spokesperson.
Outsiders believe that China now faces an era of political
This Qigong affair is a signal to justice bloody-hands faction
who have persecuted Falun Gong.

On May 23, Gansu health department’s website posted an article
about “breaking through the two energy channels of ren and du.”
The news sparked a discussion among netizens. On May 31,
the state media published a response by the Ministry of Health.
The Health Ministry spokesperson said that Gansu has
organized doctors to study Qigong, enabling doctors to further understand Chinese medicine.

The spokesperson said that Chinese medicine is a medical
science which has developed gradually over thousands of years of the Chinese civilization.
Chinese medicine has made important achievements toward
the nation and the world’s civilization.
It also played an irreplaceable role in benefitting health.

Hu Naiwen, a well-known doctor in Taiwan, said that
in ancient China, many famous doctors had supernormal capabilities, along with high virtues.

Hu Naiwen: “Bian Que (an ancient doctor),
one day could see people through a wall.
He could see people on the other side of the wall.
Yes, he had his third eye opened.
Furthermore, he could see man’s diseases in five organs.
For example, if there is a tumor in an organ, he could see it.
That’s why when he checked patient’s disease, he did well.”

The Current affairs commentator, Lan Shu, said that Qigong
and traditional Chinese culture are respectful of divine beings and God.
However, the CCP’s atheism is just the opposite.

Lan Shu believes that CCP faces a leadership transition era,
and the Ministry of Health’s stance can be seen as a signal that the bloody-hands faction is in a poor situation.

Lan Shu: “The bloody-hands faction is now at a disadvantage
within the CCP, that’s for sure.
They are in a bad place regarding their suppression
of Falun Gong and traditional Chinese culture.
Thus, the release of such kind of news is a signal.”

Before 1999, the Chinese regime proclaimed six awards
to Falun Gong.
This included Qigong’s highest prize, “Fringe Science
Progress Awards.”
At the end of May 2008, many countries and organizations
presented Falun Gong and its founder proclamations and gratitude. The number has reached 1,521 in total.

Liu Yinquan, former Shandong history professor, said that
the state media’s reports raised awareness of Qigongs benefits.
It is to pave the way for the restoration of Falun Gong’s

Liu Yinquan: “This proves the awakening group controls
the situation.
Thus, Jiang Zemin’s bloody-hands faction faces a downfall.
As in the past, all Qigong were banned.
They can now report such type of news, indicating a strong
force has dominated the event.”

Liu Yinquan highlighted that suppression of Falun Gong
destroyed Chinese people’s justice and conscience.
It resulted in entire nation’s morality declining below
the bottom line.

Liu Yinquan: “Only by spreading the belief of 『Truth,
Compassion and Tolerance,’ can China’s morality problem be resolved.
An only by solving the issue of morality’s decline can
democracy and the law problems be resolved.
If the declined morality now can’t be solved, no way,
even democracy can’t help.”

Sources said that since 1999, the CCP spent 25% of its
national budget to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.
According to Falun Dafa Minghui website’s statistics,
3,551 identified practitioners were persecuted to death.
Tens of thousands of practitioners who believe in the principles
of “Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance” are repeatedly jailed.
Meanwhile, the Political and Legislative Committee, led by
Luo Gan and Zhou Yongkang, persecuted Falun Gong.
They used the military and hospitals to profit from organ
harvesting of live Falun Gong practitioners.
