






吳建國:「 從上個世紀到本世紀,世界上大多數獨裁專制國家都難以逃脫解體的結局,包括前蘇聯那個曾經不可一世的超級大國。這已經形成了一個歷史規律。因此中共也難以逃脫解體的命運,花那麼多的錢,維穩費是徒勞的。」







Amnesty International:
Harshest Chinese Regime Repression Since 1989

On May 24, Amnesty International (AI) released this year’s
State of the World’s Human Rights report.
It stated that in 2011, the Chinese regime launched one of the
harshest crackdowns on dissent since June 4, 1989.
Ge Lifang, Chairman of China Petitioner League said that
the priority to consider now is whether the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) should still exist.

The AI report mentioned various aspects
of China’s human rights.
These included freedom of speech, activists’ situations,
land robbery and demolition.
It also included human rights violations in Inner Mongolia,
Xinjiang and Tibet.

The report said that the CCP unleashed one of the harshest
crackdowns on dissent since 1989.
The CCP were fearful of a protest movement inspired
by events in the Middle East and North Africa, in Feb 2011.
Harassment, intimidation, arbitrary and illegal detention,
and enforced disappearance towards dissent intensified.

The report points out that China’s economic strength during
the global financial crisis increased the country’s leverage
in the domain of global human rights, mostly for the worse.

China’s Ministry of Finance 2011 budget report stated
internal security spending was US$98 billion. This exceeded national defense budgets.
The cost of maintaining “stability” was higher than the total
budget of healthcare, diplomatic and financial supervision.

Writer Wu Jianguo believes when a regime spends so much
moneyto maintain stability, this regime is unstable.
China’s economic development looks good on the surface,
but it has no transparency.
Many hidden crisis exists which we didn’t know.

Wu Jianguo: “Since the last century, most dictatorial
countries have disintegrated.
This includes the former Soviet Union, once considered
a superpower country.
Communisms disintegration becomes
a form of historical theory.
Thus, the CCP can’t escape the fate of disintegration.

They have spent so much money to maintain “stability”,
but it is in vain.”

AI’s report stated that ethnic minority regions were under
heightened security in China.
Local residents protested against discrimination
and repression.
The authorities increased ongoing efforts to bring all
religious practice under state control.
This included harsh persecution of some
religious practitioners.

Recently, around 300 villagers in Hebei signed their
names to a petition.
It called for the release of a Falun Gong practitioner.
The letter was circulated over the internet.
The petition letter came from Zhouguantun Village,
Hebei Province.
As a villager Wang Xiaodong practiced Falun Gong,
policemen ransacked his house and detained him.
His 70-year-old mother and a 7-year-old child
were left at home.

Shi Da: “The Wang Xiaodong event has 300 signatures
to urge the release of Wang Xiaodong.
It is an open appeal for Falun Gong practitioners.
This is a remarkable move.
There is a big difference this time to compare with the
persecution of participants in June 4, 1989 incident.
At that time, people were in a learning period,
basically hoping to solve the problem within the CCP system.
They asked favors from the CCP.Of course,
after the crackdown of June 4, some people awakened.
This time, the repression intensified, and was after the
『Nine Commentaries of the CCP’ was published.
Many people recognized the CCP’s evil nature,
and understood the CCP can’t survive.”

Ge Lifang, Chairman of China Petitioner League said that
recently, the CCP’s maintaining “stability” has intensified.
As the human rights report said, the amount of room
for human rights’ was getting less.
She said, the priority to think about right now was,
whether the CCP should still exist?

Ge Lifang: “From what happened in China we can see
that good people were jailed.
For example, Falun Gong practitioners who follow
the principle of “Truth, Compassion and Forbearance.”
Yet they still suffered cruel live organ harvesting.

Dissent Gao Zhisheng, Hu Jia, Gu Quan and
Chen Guangcheng, were severely persecuted by the CCP.
The CCP uses its power, illegally robbing resident’s property,
breaking their families and leaving them homeless.
The facts prove that the CCP must be disintegrated
and abandoned. Only then can people live a good life.”

Ge Lifang said that the room for human rights’
was getting less.
At this difficult time, we hope media with a sense of justice
can achieve more, reporting activist’s situation on time.
To call for the world to be concerned about China’s human
rights violations, and completely expose the CCP’s evil nature.
To let the worlds righteous strength
condemn the CCP’s evil behavior.
