











採訪/梁欣 編輯/李蓮 後製/周天

300 Farmers Urge Release of Falun Gong Practitioner

Overseas media reported that a petition letter
was circulated among the Politburo.
The letter was signed by 300 farmers in Hebei, urging
the release of a Falun Gong practitioner.
The head of the village committee approved
the letter with official seal.
A source said that no matter whether it is the civil service,
intellectuals, or high-ranking officials, this is the first time
support has been expressed like this.

The petition letter is from Fuzhenzhou village
in Botou city, Hebei province.
The petition is to rescue Falun Gong practitioner
Wang Xiaodong.
It provides information about the persecution of Wang
and his relatives by Politburo’s 610 Office.
300 villagers have signed and fingerprinted the petition letter,
urging for the release of Wang Xiaodong.
Head of Zhoutun village committee approved the letter
with an official seal.

The Epoch Times newspaper reported that the letter was
circulated as an internal document among the Politburo.
Most members of the Standing Committee are shocked
that over 300 villagers fingerprinted the letter, calling for the release of Falun Gong practitioners.

Anonymous source: “Before I went to Beijing, via a special
channel, to advise them to handle this problem, the letter had already been internally circulated.
I can reveal that inside the party there are many voices
wanting to peacefully resolve the Falun Gong issue.
Jiang Zemin giving the order to suppress
Falun Gong is wrong.
It is not good for the harmony of society, and also violates
100 million people’s human rights.”

The letter wrote that police arrested Wang Xiaodong from
home, leaving his seven-year-old child and 70 year old mother.
The Politburo’s 610 Office’s behaviors
provoked the anger of the villagers.

This source person didn’t want to reveal his name.

They said that in China, regardless of whether
it is the Christian community, democrats, or well-know intellectuals, they all support Falun Gong.

Anonymous source: “People like us, who were regarded as
democrats by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), believe Falun Gong is a kind group.
Of course, we are all Christians, we didn’t have the same
attitude a year ago, but now we have.
This week, we have a meeting with Beijing main stream
civil people, and they all support Falun Gong.
They consider that the move is powerful to make the
society leap forward.”

Falun Gong is a cultivation practice, introduced to the public
by Mr. Li Hongzhi in 1992.
Practicing Falun Gong can improve the health
and the moral standard.
Before Jiang Zemin launched a suppression against Falun Gong
in 1999, over 100 million people practiced in China.
The Chinese regime not only used all state newspapers, radio
and TV to slander Falun Gong, but also checked students’ stance towards Falun Gong in examination papers.
Students who fail their exams wouldn’t have chance
to study further.
Factories and firms only wanted to sign contract with none
Falun Gong practitioners.
In order to prevent and arrest practitioners from going to
Beijing to appeal, police from the 610 Office were sent to train stations to wait.
They forced each passenger to curse Falun Gong,
otherwise they would be detained.

Commentator Heng He: “The CCP’s nature is killing.

Many people are directly or indirectly involved
in the persecution.
Once the CCP collapses, those people will be punished.

Before the CCP is eliminated, people have
a chance to choose.
To follow Zhou Yongkang’s criminal group or to
support Falun Gong and stand against the persecution,
in order to reduce the crimes.
Now is the best opportunity to make a choice.”

Our source also revealed that democrats who support
Wen Jiabao have requested him to solve the Falun Gong
issue as an important priority in political reform.
