【禁聞】雲南巧家爆炸案 官方民間兩版本

【新唐人2012年5月12日訊】10號在雲南巧家縣發生的爆炸案,最新死亡人數為4 人,傷16人。不過民間與官方說法不一。據官方最新通報,爆炸案是一名男性所為,而當地民眾和現場記者報導顯示,因為不滿政府徵地拆遷,一婦女實施自殺式爆炸,還搭上了自己一歲多的幼子。據微博最新爆料,這位女子的丈夫因拆遷問題,被當局打死,當局通知她去領骨灰盒後,發生了這樁慘案,並且,死亡的人數遠遠高於官方報導。











古先生:「不合作,那麼就百分之四十都沒有,人民法院來強制挖掉。老百姓10 號那天去簽這個協議,就被炸了,聽他們講是個女的。」







採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/周天

Yunnan Bombing: Official Version Different to Witness reports

On May10th, a bombing occurred at Qiaojia County in Yunnan.
4 dead and 16 injured are the latest official figures.
Yet non-official sources have a different story of the bombing.
Local authorities claimed the explosion was done by one man.
Deaths and wounded have no less than 20.
At least 6 deaths had been covered up.
But local residents and on-the-scene reporter said it was a
suicide bombing by a woman protesting at official demolition.
The woman’s one-year-old son also became a victim.

Latest news released on Weibo says the female’s husband
was killed by local authorities doing the official demolition.
The tragedy occurred when the wife claimed her husband’s
ashes. The real death toll is far higher than officials reported.

Netizen ‘Tian You’ posting reveals that the husband of
a woman surnamed Li died a few days after he was arrested.
Later, notified by phone to go claim her husband’s ash urn,
Mrs Li went there with her child and an explosive pack.
Among over 20 casualties, more than 6 people died, said the
posting. However, the truth was covered up by the authorities.

On May 11th, Chinese Communist party (CCP) media said
the bombing was done by a male named Zhao Deng.
The CCP also reported that Zhao died at the scene with
the death toll a total of four persons.

Now huge numbers of postings have flooded China’s web
world, demanding the authorities tell the truth.

Researcher on China issues He Anquan reviews the official
alteration of the bomber’s gender.
He remarked it aimed to lower the percentage of the incident’
seriousness and public concern.

Media’s scene photos show the blood-stained floor, a lot of
debris scattered in the blood.
The huge power of the explosion blew up a part of
a concrete pillar standing at the gate.
Several people lying on the floor became bloody piles of flesh.

All the injured were reportedly taken to a hospital. Among the
badly injured was an official from local Land and Resources
Bureau, who died on his way to the hospital.

A doctor from the hospital where receiving the injured told
our reporter the incident was a “political event” which he couldn’t talk about.

Doctor: “Our hospital isn’t authorized to release the relevant
We are informed that all news are released by the Propaganda
Dept. This is a political event, we can’t talk about it.
Actually, we don’t even know the truth.”

1,600 Mu (Chinese measure of land currently 667 square
meters) of farmland of Yibo Village in Qiaojia County has
been appropriated by local authorities to sell for profit.
The well-known “land of plenty" has turned into a petitioner
village. Three years of petitioning has had no effect.

Local villager Mr Gu says that unfair compensation for the
official demolition created mass grievances locally.
Mr Gu’s rebuild house was re-classified as a “demolished
building" so he only got 40% compensation payments.

Mr Gu: “If they think you’re not cooperative, even this 40%
won’t be paid.
The People’s Court executed the forcible demolition. On May
10th villagers who went to sign the agreement were bombed;
the bomber was a woman, they said.”

Mr. Gu and five other villagers voiced their complaints on the
internet using their real names.
One of them, Mr. Yang, told the reporter that local authority
are hunting for him late into the night.

Human Rights Campaign in China sponsor Hu Jun says there
are no proper words to describe the CCP regime for what they have done.
The regime ignores the South China Sea dispute, but putts
effort into seizing the people’s lands, according to Hu Jun.

Hu Jun: “This makes me want to cry, I don’t have a
powerful word to describe my current anger feelings.
Now too many things like this have been covered up, very few
reported by the media. This type of thing happens every day."

Hu Jun adds that as China’s economy slows down and prices
rise, civilians feel panic about the future.
The regime’s stability preservation expenditure will soar,
and the CCP’s snatching of ordinary civilians will grow, he thinks.

Hu Jun: “This tyrannical ruling system is predatory in itself.
Where does its financial revenue come from?
From land, from plundering and scamming the populace.
Today, the regime can survive only by putting in more stability preservation funds.
That makes them continue to rob and snatch civilians, until
the CCP system’s complete collapse as a result."

Zhu Xinxin, former editor at Hebei People’s Radio Station
says the CCP’s dictatorship creates judicial injustice.
The Chinese citizens have now way to appeal their grievances
other than using such an extreme way to retaliate.
Zhu Xinxin hopes such tragedy will end as soon as possible.
