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採訪/易如 編輯/唐睿 後製/黎安安

Rumors said Wen Jiabao Secretly Helped Chen Guangcheng Escape,
to Trap Zhou Yongkang?

After Chen Guangcheng’s escape, aside from feeling glad
for his escape, many people have been analyzing how he
managed to escape from layers and layers of monitoring.
According to a Washington Post report, Chen was escorted
by U.S. Ambassador Gary Locke to Beijing Chaoyang
hospital to be reunited with his family and receive treatment.
Chen was in a wheelchair because he had hurt his foot
while escaping.
High-level sources told The Epoch Times that Chen
was able to escape due to help from Wen Jiabao.
Commentators believe this is very likely, and shows
Wen Jiabao’s determination to bring Zhou Yongkang
to justice before the 18th National Congress.

On 2nd May, the Epoch Times published an article
quoting a statement from a Beijing high level source,
“Chen Guangcheng’s escape was not due to luck alone,

it involves Wen Jiabao’s men successfully convincing
some of the police guards to defect."

This source also expressed, Wen Jiabao always had conflicts
with Zhou Yongkang regarding the treatment of Chen Guangcheng, what happened so far is predictable.

Social commentator Lang Shu expressed, the Wang Lijun and
Chen Guangcheng incident exposes CCP’s scandals to the world.
The problem is, Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao are about to step down,
so who should take responsibility for these incidents?
If Hu and Wen want to avoid being blamed for bloody debts
of others, Wen Jiabao might do something like this.

Lang Shu,"Zhou Yongkang as….these people with bloody debts,
he can blame the whole thing on others, is that right?
Because he is not the highest authority in the CCP,
after the 18th National Congress, Zhou Yongkang can push all of these (crimes) onto Hu and Wen."

The 18th National Congress was originally scheduled
for this year. Lang Shu expressed, now time is short for Hu and Wen,
if Wen Jiabao told the guards of Chen Guangcheng to do something,
this really does help with the attack on Zhou Yongkang.

Chen Guangcheng was sentenced on 3rd April, 2006 after
trying to sue the Linyi City Government in Shangdong for violent enforcement of the “one child policy."
In July of 2008, Chen Guangcheng’s wife Yuan Weijing published
an open letter to the Chinese regime’s president Hu Jintao,
hoping that the CCP leader can care for the humiliation and
helplessness they suffered,
hoping that Hu will listen to concerns that a jailed blind man
raised for the good of the country.

At the time Wen Jiabao wanted to immediately release
the jailed Chen Guangcheng.
According to sources of the Epoch Times,
Wen Jiabao did not agree with actions of the Linyi Political
and Legislative Affairs Committee (PLAC),
but Zhou Yongkang strongly opposed Wen.
In the end, the PLAC used its authority to strictly control
Chen Guangcheng even after he was released from prison.

On 15th Dec. of last year, the main actor of “Batman",
Christian Bale tried to visit Chen but was beaten.
This caused intense international scrutiny.
Wen Jiabao again criticized Zhou Yongkang,
but this time Politburo Standing Committee member Li Changchun favored Zhou Yongkang,
and said privately that Wen Jiabao is being too nosy.

Lang Shu,"The current conflicts in the Chinese society,
whether it is Chen Guangcheng going to the U.S Embassy
or Wang Lijun to the U.S Consulate,
or the fall of Bo Xilai, it’s splitting the CCP into pieces,
it also provides Beijing’s high level officials,
Wen Jiabao and others who favor reforms, an opportunity."

After Chen Guangcheng escaped, Chen posted a video exposing
that the PLAC gave over 30 million yuan to Shangdong for maintaining stability,
he asked Wen Jiabao to punish the person responsible.

In recent days the U.S and China has been discussing the Chen Guangcheng incident;
which is also being closely followed by foreign media.

U.S George Mason University Professor Zhang Tianliang
expressed, for Wen Jiabao, the best way is to throw Zhou Yongkang into the open.

Zhang Tianliang, “Zhou Yongkang is already in a political
whirlpool and in a very sad state.
The Chen Guangcheng incident is like pushing Zhou
deeper down a cliff.
Now part of Zhou Yongkang’s crimes are exposed by Chen,
the national image is damaged, the U.S are applying external pressure,
adding all this together, Wen Jiabao can use it
to bring Zhou Yongkang to justice."

For this reason, Zhang Tianlang believes, bringing Zhou
Yongkang to justice,
is a three win situation for the U.S, for Chen Guangcheng,
and for Wen Jiabao.
