


























採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/朱娣


Who is in Charge at Wang Lijun’s Secret Research Center

Former Chongqing vice-mayor and police chief Wang Lijun
established the “On-Site Psychology Research Center” (OSPRC)
while he was serving as the police chief of Jinzhou.
Wang Lijun, a simple police officer,
suddenly became a professor, researcher and renowned
forensic expert, and published many organ transplant articles.
Later, Bo Xilai promoted Wang Lijun by three ranks
and transferred him to Chongqing.
Wang Lijun took the OSPRC with him to Chongqing
Southwest University.
However, this large-scale research center suddenly
disappeared after the fall of Wang Lijun.
Where are the researchers of this center?
What were they researching?
Who is the real boss behind the research center?

Mainland official media claim that the Jinzhou Public Security
Bureau’s “On-Site Psychology Research Center” (OSPRC) is the
only research center of its kind in the Chinese police system.

OSPRC conducts research in anatomy and organ
transplants in collaboration with 10+ universities in China and 10+ countries in the world.

However, recently the website of Jinzhou Police OSPRC
only contained ads unrelated to the research center.
An NTD reporter called the research center many times
during business hours, but no one answered the phone.
At last, the answer was found at the Jinzhou Police Bureau.

Reporter: Is this Jinzhou Police Bureau?

Police Staff (at Jinzhou): Where are you calling from?

Reporter: You have an On-Site Psychology Research Center, right?

Police Staff: Oh, we don’t have the research center anymore.

Reporter: How long has it been?

Police Staff: Quite a long time now.

Reporter: Don’t you have many researchers?

Police Staff: There were no researchers.

In 2006, China Guanghua Science and Technology Foundation,
under the Communist Youth League Central,
gave the Jinzhou Police OSPRC an innovation award
for organ transplant after medical injection experiments.
OSPRC also received 2 million yuan in research funding.

During the award ceremony, Wang Lijun confirmed that
the research center provides organs for transplant surgeries.
In about two years between 2003 and 2006, OSPRC conducted
several thousand live organ harvesting surgeries from prisoners facing death row.

Where did Wang Lijun, a police chief of a third level city,
find this many death penalty prisoners?

Legal expert Zhao Yuanmin told NTD that there are no
more than 5,000 death penalties in China every year.
To harvest organs from those on death row, consent must be
obtained from the justice system, hospital, relatives and the death row inmate himself.
For Wang Lijun to conduct this many organ transplants,
he must have been supported by a Gestapo-like organization such as the 610 office.

Zhao Yuanmin, “After Jiang Zemin started the persecution
of Falun Gong, murder was to be considered suicide,
so this organ source comes from Falun Gong practitioners,
I suspect.
That is to say, to do this many organ transplant surgeries and
transplant research, they killed many Falun Gong practitioners.
That’s how they achieved 『research progress.』”

After Wang Lijun gained footing in Chongqing, Chongqing
Southwest University also established Chongqing Police OSPRC.
Wang Lijun became Center Director and PhD supervisor.

The center started hiring last September and classes
were to begin this September.

Now that Wang Lijun is gone, the Chongqing Police OSPRC
website deleted nearly all of the information. Then, who is in charge of admission?

An NTD reporter called the Southwest University Law School.
The professor in charge of admission refused to answer questions.

Southwest University Professor Zhou: What use is it to tell you?
It’s still uncertain if there will be students next year.

Reporter: Wang Lijun is director of this center,
if he is not around, then who is teaching?

Professor Zhou: The school has its own plans,
we can’t do anything about what happened.

Social Commentator Xing Tianxing questioned, this research
center, that comes and goes with Wang Lijun, is full of secrets;
who allowed this police officer without any background to do
whatever he wished?

Zhao Yuanmin, “Regarding the persecution of Falun Gong,
from top to bottom, from money sources, use of materials,
manpower allocation, all the aspects were given green lights.”

According to the World Organization to Investigate
the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), the main source
of organs for live organ harvesting at Wang Lijun’s research
center were kidnapped Falun Gong practitioners.
Voice recordings and testimonies from armed police who
were on site during live organ harvestings can be found on WOIPFG’s website.
