【禁聞】薄熙來“滅門大禍” 周永康“利益關聯”


章天亮認為,王立軍繞過周永康,到美國領事館去反映薄熙來家人涉嫌謀殺的做法,不合常理。這只能說明,周永康是這個案件的「政治利益相關者」。 章天亮推斷:薄熙來與周永康共同謀反,需要大筆金錢。英國人尼爾•伍德原本是幫助薄家斂財的中間人之一,但是他未必清楚這些錢的用途,後來無意中發現了薄家謀反的證據,非常害怕。谷開來懷疑伍德的忠誠度而鴆殺了他。




—-網路熱議:謠言是遙遙領先之預言 —-



Bo Xilai May Face Family Extermination

According to a Xinhua News Agency news report on April 10,

Bo Xilai was put under investigation (shuanggui) by
the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
The news said that Bo was suspended from his posts as
the Politburo member and as a Central Committee member.
Bo’s wife, Gu Kailai and his home-service secretary,
Zhang Xiaojun, have both been arrested.
This is because Gu and Zhang are suspected of murdering
British citizen Neil Heywood, according to the official announcement.
Critic Zhang Tianliang says that the pre-arranged news
reports issued by Xinhua News Agency still leave a cloud of suspicion hanging over the Bo Xilai case.

Zhang points out that it was an anomaly that Wang Lijun had
bypassed Zhou Yongkang to tell the U.S. consulate
about Bo’s family being under suspicion of murder.
This shows that Zhou Yongkang is a “political interest
related party” on this issue.
Zhang deduced that Bo and Zhou had plotted rebellion,
they both therefore needed large sums of money.
Heywood was one of middlemen who helped Bo’s family
to accumulate wealth.
However Heywood might have been unclear about
how the money was to be used.
Later he might have unintentionally learned something of Bo’s
plotting treason, so he may have become very afraid.
Gu doubted Heywood’s loyalty so she poisoned him to death,
Zhang figures.

Xinhua News Agency said that over several years, Gu Kailai
and her son had kept up a good relationship with Neil Heywood.
Later some economic interest issues had given rise to
conflict among them and that conflict had become serious.
Zhang Tianliang thinks that this statement is hardly convincing.

An anti-vice campaign in Chongqing would have made it easy
for Bo to confiscate hundreds of billions of RMB from private entrepreneurs.
For the money collected through Heywood would have been
relatively negligible.
Zhang thinks that the regime’s claim that Bo could have
arranged Heywood’s murder simply over a personal economic conflict, is unlikely.
The official ly touted claim of “economic interests"
inevitably conceals major political interests, Zhang believes.
Exactly because Zhou Yongkang is in the category of a
“related political interest”, clearly explains his support for Bo Xilai, says Zhang.

Zhang Tianliang notes that based on Xinhua News Agency’s
news releases, Bo Guagua has not been charged or put under any official investigation.
However, his name was specifically mentioned in
this news report.
So Bo Xilai will surely not face a jail-term, like Chen Liangyu,
but something akin to family extermination, Zhang figures.

On April 9, a Dwnews.com blogger posted: unnamed sources
said that Bo Guagua had left the U.S., and returned to China.

In China, Rumors are Prophecies of what
lies Far Ahead

A few hours before Xinhuanet.com published news about
Bo Xilai』s ouster from his post as Politburo member,
the exact same news had already been released
by overseas medias.
Many netizens in China quickly reproduced the message
in Weibo, although all of them were blocked.
The CCP media recently requested people
to “fight with the rumors”.
After the official release, a netizen in China posted:
“Rumors in mainland China are just far-ahead prophecies.”
Another netizen sneered: “What I hate the most is that
all of those officially touted rumors and supposedly uninformed people are all actually telling the truth right now.”
One posting simply said, “Rumors are exactly the truth!”

Tsai Yung-Mei, executive editor of Open magazine
in Hong Kong commented.
The fact that foreign media exposed news ahead of the
CCP media proves that there is a falling apart of the system inside the regime.
That is why the regime can hardly keep its secrets now,
said Tsai Yung-Mei.
