星期天,大陸網絡上開始流傳呼籲平反趙紫陽的歌曲MTV。這首名為《浩然正氣趙紫陽》的歌曲,由網民「紅衣大叔」創作。據《自由亞洲電臺》報導,「紅衣大叔」表示,對趙紫陽的平反,實際上就是為「六四平反」造勢。 據作者介紹,歌曲視頻剛推上網絡時,曾被「和諧」,後來把「平反」改為「平凡」,就得以順利上傳。
匿名黑客再出擊 慾毀網絡防火牆
因不滿中共網絡監控而在上週攻擊中共政府網站,並且留下諷刺信息的黑客組織「匿名中國」(Anonymous China)週一表示,他們計劃對中共政府網站發動進一步攻擊,以打破中共政府對於互聯網的監控,以及對於言論自由的箝制。
Song About Rehabilitating Zhao Ziyang Spreads Online
Recently, internet rumours said that at a Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) secret high-level meeting, Premier Wen Jiabao
suggested redressing the June 4, 1989 Tiananmen incident.
However, during the Qingming Festival, websites related to
former CCP secretary Zhao Ziyang are still inaccessible.
On Sunday, a music video about rehabilitating Zhao Ziyang
began spreading on the internet.
The song, called “Noble and Righteous Zhao Ziyang,”
was composed by a netizen called Uncle Red Clothes.
Radio Free Asia reported that Uncle Red Clothes said that
the political rehabilitation of Zhao actually creates
the atmosphere to redress the Tiananmen June 4 incident.
“Dark clouds are cleared, the soul returns, rehabilitating Ziyang,
the whole nation is joyous.”
The songwriter said that the music video was censored
when it was first released on the internet.
Later, he replaced the word “ping fan” (rehabilitate)
with the word “ping fan” (commonplace),
[same pronunciation in Chinese]
which allowed the song to be uploaded smoothly.
Guangzhou Youth Detained for Supporting Political Reform
Guangzhou netizen Xiao Yong and others were detained
after protests calling for high-ranking officials to disclose the value of their property.
Netizens are supporting the protestors.
Many QQ groups were created to show their support.
Netizens also posted on the microblog of the police
in Guangzhou to urge them to release the detainees.
Some people also sent postcards to Guangdong
Party Secretary Wang Yang, asking for their release.
On Sunday, Shanghai netizen Lu Yuyu also protested
in the street to support their cause.
On March 31, Guangzhou netizens Xiao Yong and several
other people protested in Guangzhou’s Tianhe District.
Their signs included words like “Fairness, Justice, Freedom,
Equality, Human Rights, Law, Democracy, Vote, and Republic.” Later, they were detained.
Xiao Yong’s wife was warned by police to keep quiet.
The lawyer taking the case was also obstructed.
Anonymous China Hopes to Destroy Great Firewall
Because of dissatisfaction with the CCP’s Internet monitoring,
hackers attacked the Chinese regime’s websites last week
and left satirical information from the group “Anonymous China.”
The hacker group said on Monday that they plan to launch
further attacks against the Chinese regime’s websites
in order to break the CCP’s control over the internet,
as well as their censorship of free speech.
Anonymous China told Reuters they are planning more attacks.
Their purpose is to tear down China’s Great Firewall.
They also sent out the following message on Twitter:
“All these years the Chinese government has subjected
their people to unfair laws and unhealthy processes…
In the defaces and leaks in this day, we demonstrate our revolt
to the Chinese system. It has to stop!"