【禁聞】中共自爆軍代表受賄 武器質量變差













The Uncovered Graft of CCP Army Reps. Sparks Fears of Shoddy Armaments Production

The Legal Daily, official media of the CCP’s Political and
Legislative Affairs Committee, has recently revealed that
the Chinese Communist Party ‘s army representatives
who are stationed in military production factories have received bribes.
This has led to concerns over hidden danger in the
quality of armaments produced, the report says.
The news was reportedly associated to an anti-corruption
dive n the military that was led by CCP General Liu Yuan this January.
Commentators say that the alleged anti-corruption drive is
nothing more than a trick for the CCP’s central power struggle.

The Legal Daily recently reported on the army
representatives stationed in military production factories.
The responsibilities of these representatives regarding
personal safety and work quality are reportedly not clearly defined.
And these military producers are said to provide
the army representatives with housing and vehicles.

The term “military representatives” refers to the persons
dispatched by the army to the military units.
The army reps’ job duty is mainly inspecting and accepting
military products and securing the quality of applied research.
Price reviewing and coordination between the army and
the factories are also part of their duties.

Wu Fan (Commentator) says, “The army rep. plays a key role.
If the factories don’t establish a good connection with him,
their product quality won’t be accepted,
which may even mean losing orders.
So the factory would devote much effort, using every means,
to infiltrate, to bribe and to buy off these military representatives. They have done so for a long time."

RFA reported that last week in Beijing, seven army officers
held placards calling for an anti-corruption initiative inside the army.
They stood nearby the 3rd General Department of the CCP’s
People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Headquarters.
The petitioning has lasted for years whilst nothing
has been resolved so far.
Among the seven officers, Navy Captain Tan Linshu has,
accused Wang Feng of protecting inner-army corruption from investigation.
Wang is vice-director of the General Armaments Department.

Earlier this year, Lt. General Gu Junshan, vice director of
the PLA General Logistics Dept., was sacked for corruption.

Wu Fan observes that the exposure of the army reps’ bribery
is an extension of Liu Yuan’s anti-corruption drive in the military.
General Liu, political commissar of the General Logistics Dept.,
was deemed to have axed Gu Junshan.

Wu Fan says: “Under the CCP’s dictatorship, the troops and
military productions enterprises have formed a closed system.
Outsiders definitely have no access to it.
Only the military itself can conduct an investigation into this issue.
So this matter is very probably related to Liu Yuan’s
anti-corruption drive.
Both the logistics and armaments departments are
known to be corrupt on a large scale."

Analysts have said that, the CCP’s military’s anti-corruption drive
might aim at rearranging personnel and running a check on the power structure.
The CCP’s previous major military reshuffles were all
undertaken when facing difficulties at home and abroad.
It is viewed as the regime’s initiative to consolidate
the power in it’s hands. The last shake up was done before the CCP’s 17th congress in 2007.
Among the CCP’s seven major military regions, the positions of
commanders of five major military regions were shifted.

Beijing-based writer Lu Zhiren views the CCP’s
anti-corruption drive as a technique for a power grab amongst its top leadership figures.
If implementing a truly thorough fight against corruption,
they all should be targets, says Lu.

NTD reporters Yi Ru, Li Mingfei and Sun Ning
