【禁聞】金融會議控風險 學者:硬著陸難免







美籍華人律師,《中國即將崩潰》一書的作者章家敦(GORDON CHANG)則認爲,全球經濟危機,特別是歐美市場需求的衰減,對中國依賴出口的經濟影響越來越大。從目前大陸的經濟情況看,當局想和2008年金融危機時,以巨額資金投入金融市場來刺激經濟,已經不可能。








Hard Economic Landing for China: Risk Control Focus of Financial Conference

The 4th National Conference on Financial Work concluded
on January 7th in Beijing.
The theme of the conference is how to control financial risk
in order to maintain social stability.
Scholars commented that, China’s economy is facing a
profoundly dangerous future in 2012.
However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will carry out
a power handover this year.
It will follow the principle of “stability overrides everything”
in a more thorough way.
This restricts the available regulatory measures to a very
limited range.
Therefore it is almost unavoidable that China’s economy
will make a “hard landing”.

The National Conference on Financial Work, held every five
years, is a “weather vane” for future financial policies.
It focused on financial risk control, including regulating
non-governmental capitals, and dealing with local debts.

On New Year’s Day, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao warned
on China’s future economy, while visiting Hunan province.
He said economic decline and high CPI were both present
in China.

The fundamental problem still lies in the market slump.

Wen has admitted that, the first season in 2012 will probably
be a difficult one for China’s economy.
These words have induced increasing worry that China’s
economy will plummet very soon.

The business channel at sohu.com invited economists,
scholars and institutions to predict China’s 2012 economy.
Most appeared pessimistic, with more than 96% of scholars
agreeing that China’s GDP growth will slow down this year.

Prof. Wu Huilin, a Senior Researcher at the National Institution
on Economic Research in Taiwan, commented on the issue.
China was a developing economy, at the cost of over-using
it’s natural resources.
Now those resources are almost completely consumed,
which causes an inevitable calamity for the economy.

Gordon Chang, American lawyer and author of “The Coming
Collapse of China” discussed this issue.
The global economic crisis, especially the sharp decline in
demand from Europe and US, had an enormous effect.

China is an export-dependent economy, and under the
current situation it has been impossible for the CCP to
invest money into the financial market again, as it did in
2008 to support growth.

(Gordon Chang): ”China’s economy is in great trouble now.

I believe Wen Jiabao is very clear about this, and that’s why
he is trying to lower public expectations on economic growth.
He knows there’s no way to resolve those problems in a
short period.
Also, this time the CCP regime no longer has make choices,
like it had in 2008.
The banks have crashed, due to vast amounts of debt,
though we are still not sure on what effect this will have.
Just like inflation, this limits the available choice in dealing
with the problem.”

According to 21st Century Economic Report, the theme of
the conference was “crisis management at a later stage”.
One of the subjects is how to deal with the continuously
emerging “local governmental financing platforms”.
It also looks at how to deal with exploding local debts, after
the 4-trillion Yuan’s stimulus to boost the economy in 2009.

The report also mentioned that, during the conference
there’s little discussion on many expected topics.
This includes setting up a new agency in managing
state-owned assets.
It also includes improving financial activity supervising
systems. No substantial progress has been made.

An article by Deutsche Welle commented many problems
are emerging in China’s economic and social systems.
The gap between the rich and the poor is expanding,
which is accompanied by more mass protests.
This autumn there’s a new round of power handover
inside CCP.
Before the handover, “stability overrides everything” will
still dominate all governmental decisions.

Gordon Chang made a similar comment, that officially, the
CCP will only carry out some minor steps this year.
The power handover will prevent the CCP from taking any
effective action on economic problems.

(Gordan Chang):”I don’t think the CCP can land its
economy softly.
On the contrary, China’s economy will suffer a hard landing,
probably a very hard one.”

NTD reporters Qin Xue, Li Mingfei and Ge Lei
