【禁聞】滯漲與軟著陸 2012中國經濟何處去?













「諾貝爾經濟學獎」得主保羅•克魯格曼(Paul Krugman)撰寫了一篇評論指出,與上世紀80年代末的日本或者2007年的美國類似,中國大陸當前的景象非常危險:信貸迅速增長﹔經濟增長過度依賴高漲的房價,並且出現所有的泡沫化跡象。他認為,中國正在成為世界經濟的另一個危險點,有理由擔心中國的金融和經濟危機會發生。


Stagflation or Soft Landing—-Which will it be for China in 2012?

Facing severe domestic inflation and an overheating economy,
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP ) has tightened money supply and decelerated economic growth.
However, continual recession in the eurozone and in the U.S.
has hardly hit China’s export industry.
In 2012, to what situation will China’s economy move forward?
Will it achieve a soft landing? The issues arouse public concerns.

Due to weak exports and soaring production costs,

numerous business failures of small and medium enterprises
have emerged in China.
Surviving companies now face a year-end plight, such as
loan repayment, salary payment, paying off debts to suppliers.

As The Voice of America pointed out, difficult loaning,
increased production costs, all hit China’s small and medium businesses hard.
Some of them might find it difficult to get through the coming
Chinese New Year.

China’s export faces hardship owing to the sharp drop
in external demand.
As the most important driver for domestic demand, China』s
property industry is currently in a recession, too.

According to the UK’s Financial Times Chinese edition reports,

China’s tidal wave of cut housing prices has moved forward
to second-tier and third-tier cities, from first-tier cities.
In Erdos city, Inner Mongolia, housing prices plunged
by 50%-70%, with massive numbers of houses unoccupied. The city has become a “ghost town".

In 2012, will China’s economy achieve a soft landing?

Professor from the University of South Carolina-Aiken, Frank
Tian Xie says, “Many economists in China and overseas
believe that China’s economy will suffer a hard landing,
with the possibility of economic collapse.
To achieve a soft landing needs several factors.
One is that a moderate economic growth should be maintained.
Also that, inflation cannot be out of control.
But now it looks like it will be difficult to pull off both. “

Xie says that recently, the CCP regime clearly set out
its 2012 goal that is, to “maintain growth".
The goal is made in consideration of reducing unemployment
and to maintain its political stability.

Frank Tian Xie says: “To maintain growth needs more economic
stimulus investments on the infrastructure constructions.
We estimate it’s very likely that after throwing trillions in
investments, It’s goal to curb the inflation will fail in reality."

Xie emphasizes that inflation has fueled the public』s
moreover, it has lowered people’s purchasing power,
causing a weak domestic market.
As in the short-term, a recovery is hard to see in Europe
and in the U.S.,
while China’s export decline situation cannot be improved
thus, China will be caught in the stagflation trap,
and therefore a soft landing will be impossible.

Deputy Director at Beijing-based Uni-rule Institute of
Economics, Feng Xingyuan, thinks that
the CCP regime will not let this happen — the real estate』s
collapse, as the property market has been the largest support point for China’s economy.
Feng says although export is shrinking,
it is still possible to see a “soft landing" ahead for China.

Feng Xingyuan says: “But we still have very strong demand
in real estate.
If they ease credit control, the space in real estate
investment is still very big."

In a commentary, Nobel-Prize winner Paul Krugman points
out that similar to the situation in Japan
at the end of the 1980s or that in the U.S. in 2007,
the current scene in China is very dangerous:
there is rapid growth in credit, economic growth has relied on
a huge construction boom fueled by surging real estate prices, showing all the classic signs of a bubble.
Krugman thinks that China is emerging as another danger spot
in the world economy, there are real reasons to fear financial and economic crisis.

NTD reporters Liu Hui, Li Qian and Li Yue
