大陸官網曾經發表文章「環境污染事故頻發 中國人該向誰發火」。解振華發火,不禁引人思考,那些深受環境污染之害的大陸老百姓該去向誰發火呢?
多年來,大陸當局希望通過發展經濟保穩定、維持統治,為GDP,不顧老百姓的人身安全和生態保護,造成極其嚴重的環境污染。 《財經國家週刊》報導,僅長江沿岸就有40多萬家重污染企業。 2007年沿岸廢水排放量達300億噸,相當於每年有一條黃河水量的污水排入長江。
Durban: Chinese Member Angry Again
On December 11, the UN Climate Conference in Durban
has ended.
An agreement was finally reached,
deciding to extend the validation of “Kyoto Protocol."
In the final stage, Xie Zhenhua, the Chinese delegation head,
got emotionally agitated due to disagreement with the EU.
He said: “What qualifications do you have to talk about
reasons with me?” Here is more from our correspondents.
UN’s Climate Conference held in the seaside city of Durban,
South Africa, was scheduled to end on December 9.
However, there were big differences in opinions
on some issues among the participating countries.
The conference was forced to extend,
because of some controversies.
The “Kyoto Protocol" enacted in 1997 will expire
in the next year.
It has some serious flaws, like emission restrictions
for seriously polluted developing countries.
Plus, it doesn’t reflect the current global
economic situation.
Therefore, the EU proposed a new method for emission
reduction, planning to be completed by 2015.
And it hopes the developing countries
will take responsibility for the relevant duties.
The proposal angered Xie Zhenghua, Chinese delegation head and
deputy director of Chinese NDRC (National Development and Reform Commission).
Xie Zhenghua’s anger is not something new.
In the Copenhagen UN Climate Conference in 2009, Xie got
known for the words: “What makes you qualified to talk with me?”
Mainland’s official website has published an article,
“Environmental pollution accidents happen frequently, whom should the Chinese people is angry at?”
Xie’s anger made people think: who should those suffering
seriously from the environmental pollution be angry at?
Chinese authorities are focused on maintaining stability
and ruling by economic development.
They ignore people’s personal safety and ecological
protection, this leading to severe environmental pollution.
“National Financial Weekly" reported only along Yangtze River,
there are over 400 thousand enterprises of serious pollution.
The wastewater discharge along the river totals 30 billion tons,
equivalent to the annual water volume of the Yellow River.
The residents along the river are subjected to strange smells,
stenches and pollutants, causing variety of diseases.
There are 6000 residents in Xinhua Village, Chunjiang Town,
Changzhou, Jiangsu.
From 2004 to 2008, nearly 200 of them suffered from various
cancers, which is far higher than that of a normal population.
These kinds of “cancer villages” now exist throughout China.
Hu Jia, a renowned environmental protection volunteer,
said to NTD, China’s environmental standards are very low.
For example, the air pollution standard for suspended particles
in America is PM2.5. However, in mainland China is PM10.
He thinks there is a huge population and energy scarcity
in mainland China.
In fact, China urgently needs to take actions
about energy conservation and emission reduction.
Hu Jia: “Many other countries in the international community
implement these more stringently.
For us, living and producing at such high energy consumption
and high pollution rates, those standards are worth referencing.
However, we are not active in adopting
and implementing them as yet.”
“China News" reported that the mainland has become
the largest country of greenhouse gas emission in the world.
He Jiankun, China’s climate negotiator, said that in 2010,
China’s share of global energy consumption accounts for 20%.
While the proportion of total global carbon dioxide emission
accounts for up to 23%.
Thus the US, EU and other developed countries ask China
to join the global emission reduction agreement, and share the responsibilities.
Hu Jia: “Our energy consumption per RMB 10 thousand
is 5 to 6 times that of America or Japan.
We really have great potential to be tapped.
We should consider the international standards, rather than
being conservative, with a long period of buffering.
We should try our best to shorten this buffering period,
turning the pressure into motivation.
It will make the people in this country enjoy an energy supply
with high efficiency, low consumption, and industrial structure.”
Deutsche Welle in Chinese reported, the 194 countries
in Durban finally reached an agreement.
They deciding to extend the “Kyoto Protocol"
for a “second commitment period."
Compared to developed countries that already accept duties
of emission reduction,
countries like China and India will not have emission
reduction duties until 2017, or even 2020.
NTD reporters Liu Hui, Li Qian and Li Yue