【禁聞】迫害陳光誠 臨沂選文明城 民眾痛責













CCP’sCivilized City, Known for Persecuting Chen Guangcheng

Linyi city, known globally for its notorious official persecution
of China’sblind lawyer Chen Guangcheng,
was recently ranked first on the list of “Civilized Cities" ,
an award ceremony held by Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s
Central Spiritual Civilization Steering Committee.
Civilians refuted it as a “rogue city".

On the list of Civilized Cities, an award recently initiated
by CCP Central Spiritual Civilization Steering Committee,
Linyi city in Shandong Province ranks the top.

This provoked the netizens’ protests on internet
and over telephone. Civilians also voiced furies and criticism.

Some netizens say that the official action just shows its
Some spat saying the award is lousy useless stuff just for
being sneered at.
A netizen posted the telephone number of the Committee,
suggesting the people to protest over phone.

Professor Sun Wenguang at Shandong University, said that
the CCP authorities rate the city which should have been awarded the least civilized.
He believes that the regime’saward is simply propaganda.

Prof. Sun Wenguang said: “In Linyi, Chen Guangcheng only
helped local civilians to safeguard human rights, but was sentenced to jail.
Even after being released, he was still prevented from
showing up in public and meeting the media. He was totally deprived of his personal freedom.
In view of what Linyin authorities have done to Chen Guangcheng,
the city should be rated as the most uncivilized city."

Netizen Zhu Chengzhi from Yunnan province berated
CCP’sSpiritual Civilization Steering Committee, saying “do not to blemish the word “civilized".

Zhu Chengzhi: “It is just like a farce. I wear a T shirt today,
with Cheng Guangcheng’sportrait printed on it.
I just go out (to protest), don’t blemish the word civilization.”

Pu Fei, a volunteer for 64tianwang.com, says that
the criteria for CCP to select the civilized city consists of
the extent of control over dissidents.
So he is not surprised at Linyi being selected.

Pu Fei: “For the selection of civilized city, city authorities’
capability of controlling civilians and those world-renowned dissidents, is one of their selection criteria.
So the fact that a city like Linyi which persecutes Mr. Chen Guangcheng
was selected as a civilized city, comes as no surprise at all.
CCP’sterm of civilized city is almost a synonym for rogue city.
This award is just a farce of political thugs."

Chen Guangcheng was blind since childhood, in a long term,
he helped Linyi-based villagers to safeguard their rights.
Chen exposed local women’ssuffering of forced abortions
conducted by the CCP officials, was thus sentenced to jail for over four years.
Since being released in September 2010, Chen was put
under house arrest and was beaten repeatedly suffering injuries.
The local authorities hired over a dozen people
to monitor Chen and his family day and night, preventing him from contacting the outside world.
Only his mother is allowed to go buy the necessities
under the surveillance.

In early November, rights activists initiated a campaign
to go visit Chen Guangcheng at home in Linyi, Shandong.
Up to one hundred visitors, including netizens, activists,
and Western media journalists, suffered local authorities’
violence such as being kidnapped, beaten,
chased away or robbed.

NTD reporters LI Yun and Li Ruo Lin
