【禁聞】溫家寶視察北航 4元餐引爭議
















Wen Jiabao visits Beijing Aerospace University, 4 Yuan Breakfast under Question

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visited the cafeteria of
Beijing Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (BIAA) on Oct 1.
A student told him that breakfast only cost 4 Yuan, and
a cooked egg is only 0.5 Yuan. Wen claims that
the commodity prices have stabilized.
However, this story was widely debated on the internet, and
many questions were posed about the actual prices at BIAA.
Have Chinese commodity prices dropped?

The student that Wen met was Fan Qifeng.
On the morning of Oct 1, he ordered a tea boiled egg,
an egg pancake, five steamed stuffed buns,
and a bowl of porridge for only 4 Yuan.

Wen Jiabao came to him to discuss food prices.
Fan told Wen Jiabao that his meal only cost 4 Yuan.
When Wen asked him how much the boiled egg cost,
he replied that it only cost 0.5 Yuan.

This report led to intense debates on the internet
regarding cafeteria meal prices.

A netizen called upon all Beijing students to eat at BIAA,
in an effort to bankrupt the cafeteria.
Another netizen mocked, “Beijing Aerospace must
have offered the Premier a special discount!”

However, some students said that schools are subsidized, so this might be the actual price.
When a reporter called a BIAA student, the student said that
this has been the actual price for a long time.

Beijing Economic Researchers say, “The ministry of education gives these major universities a large budget, so they might provide compensation for students since they have the funding."

However, Wen seemed really happy after hearing the meal price. He told Fang Qifen that commodity prices have come down.

The vegetable price inside BIAA seems to be stable,
What about vegetable prices outside BIAA?

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,

Mr Zhang: “The cheapest price for one tea egg cost one Yuan
on the street this morning. That student said the egg price is
different, I am not sure if it was arranged to say that or not, but
there is no such price outside BIAA.
One tea egg costs 1 Yuan and one egg cake costs about 4 Yuan.
The price at BIAA isn』t the norm.
For civilians, the real price is double.”

Let』s have a look what it may cost at another university.
A student in Chongqing University said on a blog that Fan Qifeng』s breakfast at Chongqing U. costs 7.4 Yuan.

Guangdong News Express Daily newspaper reported that
since September, Zhongshan and other universities increased prices in the cafeteria, and the students can』t afford it.

A Huannan University student complained in a forum:
“A salted egg has risen to 1.2 Yuan. Any dish with egg and meat costs over 2 Yuan, most of the dishes cost over 4 Yuan.

On October 3, Wen Jiabao went to Shaoxing city
in Zhejiang province.
Netizens found out that wherever Wen went, the vegetable price
temporarily dropped. A netizen said: “Grandpa Wen, hurry up,
check the price.” Another netizen said, “come to Shaoxing,
for sure it』s very cheap.”

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Wang Mingyu and Tang Yin
