【禁聞】南都報PK盧俊卿 媒體揭騙不手軟













SMD Persists in Exposing Lu Junqing』s Fraud

Southern Metropolis Daily has responded to the leader of
the World Eminent Chinese Business Association, Lu Junqing』s
request for a public apology with three punches: editorial pieces,
in-depth investigative reports, and a statement,
which showed that they would persistently expose WECBA』s
booming business with politicians.
Expert Wu Zuolai said, China』s crony capitalism has created
the powerful fly-by-night organizations like the WECBA.

Since “China-Africa Hope Project” has been under scrutiny,

the official website of the World Eminent Chinese Business
Association (WECBA) has issued a series of announcements
alleging that Southern Metropolis Daily(SMD) has damaged
their reputation and they will resort to the law to seek redress.
In its No.8 announcement, WECBA asked SMD
for a public apology.
At the No. 6 announcement, WECBA offered
“A million rewards to capture the one behind the reports.”
At the No. 10 announcement, WECBA』s attitude softened and
said that the reconciliation with SMD is under way.
However, SMD persisted in defending themselves by declaring
their stance and publishing in-depth reports and editorials.
On Sep. 7, Southern Metropolis Weekly issued an 8-page
in-depth report “The Double-Sided 『Dynasty’ Investigation,”
trying to expose “The man Lu Junqing" and his founding of
World Eminent Chinese Business Association.
The report described the secretive family relationship as
“Blood brothers fighting, a father and daughter at war,”
and exposed the shady deeds of the
“Sky Nine Scholars Business Group (SNSBG).”
It also explained the relationship between SNSBG and WECBA,
including how the Lu family members operate inside.
According to SMD, SNSBG has almost 1000 employees,
over 50,000 donors with paid-memberships
and operates 10 subsidiaries.

Moreover, they have more than 30 companies officially
registered with the Trade and Industry Bureau.
The positions held within these companies overlap with
one person fulfilling the same role in multiple companies.
From the basic staff all the way up to the highest leadership,
almost everyone is linked back to the WECBA.
Wu Zuolai, a scholar of China Art Research Institute, indicated
that “crony capitalism with Chinese characteristics
has distorted the market economy and created
power-hungry freaks like the WECBA.”
Wu Zuolai: “Experts say WECBA is crony capitalism,
which intertwines power with capital and
causes looting and fierceness in Chinese society.

WECBA plays the role of a broker,
which has been created by this deformed society.
Now, not only one person partakes,
many people play such agent roles.
It』 s because the power needs to be brokered,
needs to be rent-seeking.”
On the same day, SMD also published the editorial

“Shut Down the Hypocritical-Charity;
Have a True Charity Come Forth."
The editorial summed up “China-Africa Hope Project" as
“using charity projects to pave the way for capital,
shaping its corporate image locally, and maintaining government
relations, in order to obtain commercial interests.”
The editorial also indicated that WECBA, the real operator of
CAHP, relied on the so-called “network of contacts” to operate.
While it was promoting CAHP, WECBA also spoke bluntly that
CAHP』s purpose is to let the charities pave the way for
the business to follow, and then help the members open up African
markets, providing support and shortcuts that
otherwise would not be available if not for
the collaboration between the two brands."
Wu Zuolai: “The problems in China have not been resolved yet.
WECBA goes out to rescue Africa.
This in the Mao era was for political needs,
nowadays it』s more for economic needs.
WECBA hopes to build good relationships with the rich and
powerful Africans, thus they can develop Africa
and seek their economic interests.”
On the same day, SMD issued an announcement responding to
Lu Junqing』s request for a public apology.
SMD declared that the series of reports about WECBA are
to practice media』s responsibilities to monitor society,
and it isn』t “misled” by anyone or any association.
SMD added that it never acknowledges any inaccuracies and said
that any person or association which engages in public welfare
affairs, such as charity, should accept observations and
guidance from public opinion.
NTD reporters Qin Xue and Wang Mingyu
