








山東大學退休教授 孫文廣:「我覺得共產黨為自己慶生,動用這麼大的財力來進行慶祝,實在是勞民傷財。你作為執政黨現在壟斷了所有的資源,利用自己壟斷的權力給自己過生日,耗費國家的資產。」










CCP: A Corrupt Dying Regime

While the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) celebrates
its anniversary, CCP General Secretary Hu Jintao
warned on July 1 that anti-corruption is
a matter of life and death for the party.
Media around the world commented that,
with increasing public discontent and conflicts,
the dying 90-year-old CCP is struggling to hang on.

During the 90th anniversary celebration of the CCP,
Hu warned of the severity and danger of corruption, as
corruption would cause the CCP to loss support and
confidence of the Chinese people.
He said, “Without stability, nothing can be done.”

Taiwan』s Central News Agency (CNA) noted that
this is not the first time Hu warns of CCP』s crises, and
“stability maintenance” will be its biggest challenge.
Corruption leads to all kinds of social problems.
The frequency of public protests is becoming high,
and they erode CCP』s already groundless legitimacy.

An anonymous scholar at Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences (CASS) commented on CNA report that,
CCP won』t give up one-party rule, but the one-party
regime cannot effectively supervise itself.
He said, “This has brought plight to the CCP.”

Former Director of CASS Political Institute
Yan Jiaqi told Radio Free Asia that
CCP』s totalitarian regime won』t last long.

Yan Jiaqi: China』s problems can be summarized as: The
party is above the country and the law.
Such a system cannot protect people』s rights.
This system is a modern form of despotism, which has
been proven by human history to be short-lived.

South Korea』s Chosun Ilbo newspaper said,
the CCP tried to create a celebrative atmosphere,
but the general public response has been cold. Experts
believe, rising house and commodity prices put citizens』
lives in jeopardy while the wealth gap and corruption led
people to resent the CCP.
The accumulated rancor has reached its extremity.

Japanese paper Yomiuri Shimbun』s editorial said,
accounting for less than 6% of China』s population,
the CCP elites have become a privileged class,
by power of the CCP and state-owned enterprises.
The “harmonious society" promoted by the CCP
is unrealistic.

Sun Wenguang (ex-Prof. of Shandong University):
The CCP』s extravagant birthday celebration
is a waste of money and manpower.
As the ruling party, it monopolizes all the resources,
which are state assets spent for its birthday.

An article in the New York Times by Pei Minxin,
a political science professor, said that
the CCP no longer follows communist ideology;
it follows a totalitarian ideology.

Voice of Russia commented that since a long time ago,
the CCP had tossed aside the working class』s interests.
Social justice and people』s interests no longer exist.
CCP is a political monopoly and it persecutes
the dissidents that dare to cross the “red line”.

Amnesty International condemns CCP』s
increased suppression of human rights lawyers,
while International Federation of Journalists
wrote to Hu Jintao to urge the release of writers,
reporters and other political prisoners in jail.

The New York Times also published an article by David
Shambaugh, Director of China Policy Program at
Washington University. He wrote that all of CCP』s
festivities can』t hide its guilt.
The newly published CCP history completely erased the
many political campaigns it launched and
caused hundreds of millions of people to perish.
CCP is like a 90-year-old with a trembling weak body.

Hong Kong』s Open magazine chief editor Jin Zhong told
Radio France Internationale that
the CCP and Mao Zedong are crime-ridden;
CCP is worried that the nightmare of the Soviet Union
will repeat in China.

Jin Zhong: In 1949, Mao Zedong wrote,
“our CCP is no longer a child, but an adult.”
“A political party, like a person, will age and die.”
From its start to its collapse in 1991,
the Soviet Union lived 88 years. The CCP is 90 now,
according to Mao』s statement, it should be dead soon.

2011 is Soviet Union collapse』s 20th anniversary.
Mao once said, “The current state of the Soviet Union is
the future of the CCP.” In an article,
BBC listed CCP』s various crimes and concluded that,
Only without the CCP, can there be a new China.

BBC』s article analyzed that although all of China seems
to be “celebrating,” the CCP is worried about
the pending eruption of the “live volcano”
(i.e. Chinese people』s accumulated rancor)
and the force of the eruption.

NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Li Ruolin
