











美國有媒體指出,之所以毛的稿費如此之高,原因是即使1964 年後稿酬制度改革,全國也只有毛澤東一個人獨享稿費特權,而且是壟斷髮行,並且他出的書不斷再版。




Myth of Mao Zedong’s Incorruption

Chinese scholar Mao Yushi, criticized Mao Zedong
in his book Restoring Deified Mao Zedong to Human.
It has triggered a fierce battle of words
between Mao』s opponents and his advocates.
Some claim that Mao was incorruptible.
Some call him the source of the CCP』s corruption.
Let』s take a look at the report.

Recently, an author with the pen name Paul wrote
An article titled Mao Zedong is Source of Corruption.
It pointed out that Mao’s legacy is political corruption.
Mao also laid the ideological foundation for the CCP
to become the largest economic criminal group.

However, when interviewed by Voice of America,
a Mr. Si from Wuqi in Shanxi Province said,
Mao had no personal interests and was incorruptible.

Beijing-based historian Zhang Lifan thinks that
the wages of ordinary people were meager under Mao.
Mao had a much higher living standard than average.
Saying Mao was incorruptible is contrary to the facts.

Zhang: If people could go back to Mao』s time,
they had to accept low wages and food rationing.
I don』t see any of Mao』s fans willing to do that. (VOA)

At least 61 “palaces” were built for Mao in the past.
Some were built around 1960, during the great famine.
The money spent on the “palace” construction
was enough to feed tens of millions of starving people.

In 1959, Mao swam in his hometown Shaoshan
and found it a perfect place as a summer resort.
Within a year, Dishuidong, a villa group, was built.
It was modeled after Mao』s residence in Zhongnanhai.
An anti-A bomb underground palace was later added,
costing RMB 1 billion to build.

Also, Mao has always been propagandized as
“eating no meat” and “suffering” in the great famine.
However, as per Communist Party』s (CCP)
Red Flag Press Records of Mao Zedong’s Legacy,
Mao was obsessed with Western-style meals in 1960.
His Western menu alone included 7 series of dishes.
He had eaten pork cooked in at least eight methods.

In the 1970’s, to cater to Mao』s smoking needs,
the CCP founded Team132 to produce Shifang cigars.

Zhang: Did Emperor Mao need to embezzle money?
He just needed to live a corrupt life.
I don』t know about other things, but I do know that
there were countless villas built for him across China,
with the highest standards of construction.
He didn』t live in some or lived for just a few days.

In Vol. 5 of CCP-published Dangshi Wenyuan in 2004,
an article Controversies over Mao』s Royalties said,
in Oct 1967, Mao had royalty receipts of RMB 5.7 mil,
which was equivalent to over RMB 0.3 billion today.
This means, Mao was the richest man in China.
In 1976, Mao had bank deposits of RMB 76 million.

As per U.S. media, Mao enjoyed privileged royalties.
Even after the royalty system reform in 1964,
Mao was the only one enjoying such high royalties.
He also had the monopoly of his books』 reprints.

Mao’s private life was the most talked about topic.
The book Mao Zedong and His Women recorded
Mao』s unusual relationship with a series of women,
among whom, there were at least 15 famous ones.

Was Mao Zedong upright or corrupt?
This is judged by the people.

NTD reporters Li Anan and Wang Mingyu
