【禁聞】越菲中臺陷南海爭端 美發衝突警告




















Disputes over South China Sea

A recent multinational dispute continues to escalate
over control of South China Sea.
The Philippine government protests against Beijing.
Vietnam threatens with possible military actions.
Beijing’s official media commented,
“China’s restraint cannot be unlimited.”
Taiwan will station marines at the Spratly Islands.
U.S Defense Secretary Robert Gates warned on June 4
of possible conflicts due to the territorial disputes.

Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently
on a press conference accused 3 Chinese patrol boats
of interfering with its South Sea gas exploration,
and claimed its navy would use all necessary means
to defend Vietnam’s territorial integrity.

Beijing said the Vietnamese vessels were operating
in Chinese waters and violating their agreements.
It urged Vietnam to stop causing troubles.
Vietnamese media then claimed that 4 fishing boats
were threatened with gun shots by Chinese boats.

On June 5, hundreds of demonstrators gathered at
the Chinese embassy in Hanoi, protesting against
China’s violation of Vietnam’s territorial sovereignty.
Such protests are rare in this communist country.

On June 1, Philippine Foreign Ministry protested
against Beijing’s building of military outputs and
oil rigs on the disputed Spratly Islands.
Beijing claimed the operations to be in China’s waters.

Philippine authorities said Chinese ships and planes
entered Philippine waters near Spratly Islands
6 to 7 times recently, including a Chinese war ship
firing on Philippine fishing boats on Feb. 25.

On April 5, the Philippines protested against UN for
including China’s South China Sea map in official files.
China then submitted a request to the UN,
accusing Philippines of invading Chinese islands.

Taiwanese Foreign Ministry stressed on April 18
to the Philippine Rep in Taiwan, that the islands and
surrounding waters in South China Sea are Taiwan’s.
Taiwan has control over the largest Taiping Island
and has stationed marines on this island since April.

In 2010, China called its South China Sea sovereignty
its “core interests”. U.S Secretary of States Clinton
said resolving territorial disputes affects U.S. interests.

Researcher at Taiwan National Chengchi University
Yan Zhensheng believes that the U.S.’s 2010 change
of its Asian strategy emboldened other countries,
who take more proactive measures against China.

Yan: U.S wants to develop relationship with Vietnam.
As China’s political, financial and military powers rose,
the U.S would like to have exchanges with Beijing,
yet at the same time wants to contain China.

On the 10th Asia-Pacific Security Conference held
from June 3 to 5 in Singapore, U.S. Defense Secretary
Robert Gates said the U.S. would expand its military
engagement in Asia-Pacific to include Southeast Asia.

Gates warned that the South China Sea issue was
getting complicated. Unless each country adopts
mechanisms for peaceful settlement,
conflicts could arise, which would not benefit anyone.

Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie said,
China and other ASEAN countries signed in 2002
a declaration to use negotiations to settle disputes.
He called on other countries to “not make enemies.”

On the same day, both Vietnam and the Philippines
announced arms purchases to strength
their military deployment in South China Sea.

Senior lecturer Dr. Wang Yiming at Griffith University:
Due to differences in social systems and ideologies,
everyone is trying to guess one another’s intentions.
This resulted in everyone guarding against others.
They even started to compete in military arms races.
No party wants to see this kind of situation.

South China Sea is an important transportation route
and also rich in oil and gas. This led to frequent
maritime conflicts, ship collisions and open fires.
China and Vietnam had naval battles in 1974 and 1988;
China also fought with the Philippines in 1995.

As per historical records, during Tang, Song and Ming
Dynasties, Spratly Islands always belonged to China.
In 1939, Japan invaded the South China See Islands.
After WWII, Taiwan took over control of
the Spratly Islands and Paracel Islands.

NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Zhou Ping
