【禁聞】堵賄賂歪風 購物卡也倡實名制














Signatured Shopping Cards against Bribery

Shopping cards, as RMB’s substitute,
are widely used for bribery by the privileged in China.
CCP (Chinese Communist Party) State Council
reprinted 7 ministries’ Suggestions on Commercial
Card Regulation, in the hope to end corruption.
The new policy’s effectiveness is being questioned.

Local media Southern Weekend reported that
it’s so easy to get around this new policy.
The policy focuses on three new features:
Real-name system, Non-cash and Limits.

Card holder registration is compulsory for
all cards worth over 10,000 RMB.
The way is to purchase cards worth RMB 9,999.

For purchases of cards of over RMB 5,000 and
individual one-time purchases of over RMB 50,000,
payments must be made through bank transfers.
People can simply make purchases of RMB 4,999.

As per Limits requirement, non-holder-registered
shopping cards’ value cannot exceed RMB 1,000.
Registered cards’ value cannot exceed RMB 5,000.
However, people can simply purchase more cards.

Reporters from Worker Daily have found that
at places such as the financial districts, there were
still many shopping card scalpers with a low profile.
Many disguised themselves as shoppers.

Some scalpers tipped off reporters that
although the shoppers’ identities are traceable
with purchases with checks or bank transfers,
scalpers can help buy shopping cards for a fee.
In this way, it is difficult to trace the actual buyers.

Also, the cashiers normally turn a blind eye on
the issue of shopping cards registration.
Scalpers can still make payments for consumers,
who then pay the scalpers with cash.
A lady said, stores wouldn’t forbid her to shop,
just because the card she has bears a different name.

Worker Daily estimated, according to the scalpers,
if there are 20 card transactions in a month,
with a value of RMB 100,000 each and
a commission of minimum 5% of the card value,
the commission fees alone exceed RMB 100,000.

Southern Weekend also pointed out that
although this new policy is issued by 7 ministries
and reprinted by the CCP’s State Council,
in practice, nobody will take real charge.
The so-called Suggestions are not laws,
and its reprinting authorities within the State Council
have no law enforcement power.
The buyers and sellers of the shopping cards
are not concerned about the new policy at all.

There are more issues in China than shopping cards.
The prevalent melatonin products, health gift boxes,
luxury Maotai Spirit and diamond ring moon cakes
are widely known to be used for bribery.

Southern Weekend reporters questioned,
cards are used elsewhere to stimulate consumption,
why did their purposes get changed in China?

NTD reporters Zeng Yaoxian and Bo Ni
