

大陸環保部副部長李干傑6月3號在《中國環境狀況公報》發佈會上表示,長江中下游的乾旱已經令鄱陽湖、洞庭湖、洪湖的水位大跌,其中,洞庭湖濕地保護區有2 萬多畝濕地已乾涸。












Three Gorges Project Causes Severe Draught

The drought in mid and low Yangtze River’ reaches
brings direct disasters to rivers and lakes,
having huge impact on agriculture and fishing.
China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection
admitted in early June of severe drought,
but did not mention anything about its cause.
Mainland experts talked about the link between
the Three Gorges Reservoir and the draught.
Since 2006 when Three Gorges Reservoir started
to fill with water, rivers and lakes of lower reaches
of Yangtze River suffer a record-low water level.

Li Ganjie, Deputy Minister of China’s Ministry
of Environmental Protection suggested on June 3
during a meeting, to publish China’s Public Report
on Environment, as the drought in Yangtze River’s
mid and low reaches has caused the water level
at Poyang Lake, Dongting Lake and Hong Lake
to drop sharply. 3,300+ acres of Dongting Lake’s
wetland protection area has dried up.

The latest monitoring revealed moderate to severe
drought in several provinces, including SE Hubei,
Central Anhui, South Jiangsu, NE Hunan,
North Jiangxi, North Zhejiang and West Guizhou.

Li Ganjie said, the drought is caused by lack of rain.
He refused to talk about the link between
the Three Georges Reservoir and the draught.

Fan Xiao, General Engineer of Sichuan Bureau
of Geology and Mineral revealed that since opening
of the Three Georges Reservoir in 2006, record low
water level and droughts occured at rivers and lakes
of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.
In his view, less rainfall in recent months
only plays a secondary effect to the drought.

Fan Xiao: “But the water conservancy of the
Three Gorges Project had a great drought impact.
The water conservancy of the Three Gorges Project
is from mid and late September to November,
a time with relatively less water in Yangtze River.
In order to reach the goal of conserving water,
it discharges less than 50% of the normal flow.”

According to the Disaster Relief Bureau
of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, as of May 27,
ca. 35 million people are impacted by the draught,
over 4 million people have difficulties accessing
drinking water and over 5 million people need relief.

China’s media reported that over 3,700,000 hectares
of farmlands in Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Jiangsu
and Anhui Provinces are affected by the draught.
Over 160,000 hectares have zero yields.
Water in over 1,500 reservoirs is at critical level
in the mid and low reaches of the Yangtze River.

Fang Xiao: “Why is the draught particularly severe
from last year to now? Because last year the
water level (of the Three Georges Reservoir)
reached the record-high 175 meters.
And the price is paid by the downstream areas.”

At Lake Hong, the largest lake of Hubei Province
and the 7th largest lake of China, the water level
of some parts of the lake is less than 30cm.
Small lakes nearby have disappeared long ago.
Local farmers are concerned for the yields from
farming and fishing, and even for drinking water.

Fan Xiao: “The fundamental solution
does not only lie in power generation,
although businesses want benefits.
Rivers and water resources have many aspects,
like irrigation, water supply, navigation, ecology.”

Fan Xiao points out that for Three Gorges Project
and other large-scale water conservation
and hydropower projects, the government needs
to conduct macro-allocation and ensure there is
a sufficient water flow in the lower rivers’ reaches.

NTD reporters Liang Xi, Zhao Xizhi and Zhou Xinyi
