【禁聞】六四22週年 北京嚴控紀念活動
















Beijing Forbids the Commemoration of “6.4” Massacre

On the 22 anniversary of “6.4” massacre, situation in
Beijing is jittery. Mass protests in Inner Mongolia and
『Jasmine Revolution』 in North Africa made Beijing
strain its nerves. Tiananmen Mothers and democracy
dissidents are monitored. Senior U.S. congressmen
commemorated “6.4” at congressional hearings.

On June 3, Tiananmen Mothers revealed that
government agents contacted individual mothers for
financial compensation. Zhang Xianling said it was
a probe with no sincerity, as the authorities sent out
more surveillance officers than in previous years.

Zhang Xianling said, “This year』s situation is the worst.
Monitoring started on May 31. Four people watched
me over downstairs, and followed me wherever I went.
They even forbid reporters to interview me.”

Zhang Xianling said closer monitoring showed that
the authorities worry about
the North Africa democracy tide spreading to China.

Zhang Xianling said, “The active democracy activities
in North Africa threaten the Chinese regime (CCP).
They found domestic situations to be quite dangerous.
They felt that their dominance has been challenged,
and their dictatorship is difficult to last.”

Bao Tong, secretary of former CCP General Secretary
Zhao Ziyang, is also missing. In previous years,
Bao was allowed to stay home during the “6.4” period.

Nanny in Bao』s home: “I do not know.
I am their family nanny. I do not know his things.
Reporter: Were both he and his family missing?
Nanny: His family needs to go to work. I do not know.
Reporter: What about Mr. Bao?
Nanny: None of them is home.
Reporter: Was he arrested by the police?
Nanny: I do not know.

He Depu, a dissident in Beijing, was released in January
after 8 years in prison. He said he could not participate
in activities to commemorate “6.4” due to monitoring.
He was forbidden to go to Tiananmen Square.

He Depu: Two guards and police are in a booth downstairs.
We originally planned to meet and talk for commemoration,
but they (CCP) sent guards here, so we could not have
the activities, but commemorate “6.4” ourselves.

Dissident Zha Jianguo said to go on a hunger strike
by himself at home to commemorate “6.4.”

Zha Jianguo (a dissident in Beijing): On June 1,
someone from National Security Team talked to me.
I was asked not to write articles for “6.4”, nor to accept
interviews by foreign reporters. I said it lacked legal basis.
I will go on a hunger strike on June 4,
to mourn the innocent victims in Tiananmen Massacre.

Beijing authorities dispatched securities 24/7 to
Tiananmen Square, the railway station and other places.
Hotels were directed by the authorities to tighten
their customer registration and management.

US House Committee on Foreign Affairs held a hearing
on Thursday to discuss human rights issues
in North Korea, Myanmar and Tibet.

Chairman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of US House Committee
on Foreign Affairs: Violations of human rights and
religion freedom are common threats in these regions.
China is the core of the giant spider web.
On Saturday, when we commemorate the 22 anniversary
of “6.4”, we can not forget the Chinese longing for
democracy which was crushed by tanks in 1989.

NTD reporters Qin Xue and Guo Jing
