【新唐人2011年5月28日訊】負責海葬“基地”組織領袖本‧拉登的美國航空母艦“卡爾文森號(USS Carl Vinson)”戰鬥群,早前抵達香港,吸引了各界媒體前去採訪。《新唐人》駐香港記者站記者獲得美國領館的邀請,登上航母進行採訪。第二天,香港媒體《中國評論通訊社》報導的新聞圖片中,《新唐人》的臺標卻被打上了馬賽克。我們來看報導。
《中評社》23號刊登的《海葬拉登航母訪港 相信香港安全》的報導中,從新聞圖片可以清晰的看到,《新唐人》的麥克風所在位置非常醒目,左邊的是香港有線電視,右邊的是香港TVB電視臺,央視CCTV則被壓在了下面。但是《新唐人》的臺標卻被打上了馬賽克。
NTDTV Logo Masked
US aircraft carrier “USS Carl Vinson" battle group that
was responsible for the sea burial of Osama bin Laden,
arrived in Hong Kong, attracting all the media.
NTD reporters in HK were invited by US Consulate
to conduct interviews on the carrier. Next day, HK media
“China Review News Agency" published news pictures,
with NTDTV’s logo being masked with mosaic.
On May 23, China Review published a report titled
“Carrier that Buried Bin Laden at Sea Visiting HK”.
In its photos, NTDTV’s logo is in a very striking location,
being flanked by HK Cable TV and The TVB (HK).
Communist mouthpiece CCTV was at the bottom.
However, NTDTV’s logo was masked on purpose.
According to NTD reporter Liang Zhen, who was
invited onto the carrier, there were hundreds of media
applying for interviews on the aircraft carrier,
but only 100 were approved by the U.S. Consulate.
Two reporters of NTD received the approval.
Regarding China Review masking NTD’s logo in photos,
Liang Zhen said it is not an isolated case.
HK’s Phoenix Satellite TV and HK ATV have been
asked not to let NTDTV’s logo appear on television.
Liang Zhen (NTD reporter in HK):
NTDTV’s logo was masked on purpose.
This shows that someone is afraid of NTD.
I feel that this incident shows that China Review
is more pro-Communist Party than Phoenix and ATV.
This is very alarming.
Whether NTD logo can appear on screen or not
has become a background check for these media.
Are they pro-CCP? To what extent are they controlled?
All these could be figured out from small details.
HK Open magazine executive editor Cai Yongmei said
from China Review’s conduct, we can see that
it has a background connected with the CCP,
and it works for the Central Propaganda Department .
Cai Yongmei (HK Open magazine Executive Editor):
I feel it is very funny (to mask NTD’s logo).
Why doesn’t China Review use the name of Xinhua?
They tried to create an image of being Independent.
But if you are not objective, it are still revealing
to people of your CCP background.
Cai pointed out that in recent years, the CCP spent
large amounts of money to buy overseas media,
trying to use them to speak for it, with little success.
Cai: In overseas market, news should be objective.
If you make news with certain confinements,
or even with ideology orientation,
it is hard for you to become competitive.
Why NTD is feared and severely blocked by the CCP?
Liang Zhen: NTDTV and other independent media
that report the truth became a thorn in CCP’s side.
News blocked by CCP are immediately reported by us.
We bring Chinese people’s voice to the world,
which is what the CCP most afraid of.
Once CCP is exposed,
its party culture brainwashing will lose effect.
Regarding China Review’s behavior,
NTD spokeswoman Hong Kaili made a strong protest.
Hong Kaili (NTD spokeswoman):
NTD strongly condemns this act of helping the CCP
to ban independent media. This made media personnel
to worry about HK’s free press environment.
As one of few independent global Chinese media,
NTD hopes people to pay continued attention to
the suppression and discrimination against NTD
by the CCP and some pro-CCP media.
Recently NTD Asia-Pacific was denied contract renewal
by Chunghwa Telecom in Taiwan.
This has caused concerns in Taiwan and globally.
US, European and Taiwanese politicians and
NTD audience all strongly condemn
the CCP’s interference with news freedom.
Liang Zhen said, NTD’s coverage is increasing,
and it is gaining more popularity.
The CCP’s suppression made NTD famous globally.
Liang believes NTD Asia-Pacific’s issue would soon be
satisfactorily resolved, and more will watch NTDV.
NTD reporters Li Jing and Xiao Yan