【禁聞】扔鞋有獎 防火牆之父被“鞋”
















Netizen Threw Shoes at the Father of GFW

Fang Binxing, director of the Great Firewall (GFW)
and president of Beijing Univ. of Posts and Telecomm.
gave a lecture in Wuhan Univ. on May 19.
Students threw eggs and shoes at him,
protesting GFW』s blockage of Chinese internet.
Netizens widely support the students』 actions.
Let』s take a look at how netizens thought and
what the overseas scholars said about this incident.

Some Twitter users disclosed that Father of the GFW
would attend activities in the Wuhan University and
motivated the Twitter users in Wuhan to throw eggs
at Fang Binxing to protest the internet blockage.
Many netizens donated money and goods to reward
those who take the action. According to Deutsche Welle
the monetary and in-kind awards exceeded RMB100K.

Around 2PM, when Fang arrived at the lecture site
of Wuhan University, Netizen “Hanjunyi”,
with Ai Weiwei』s image printed on his clothes,
threw at him the eggs prepared by Wuhan Univ. students,
but did not hit the target. Then, he took off his shoes
and threw to Fang. The first shoe hit Fang』s chest.

“Hanjunyi” was stopped by two Wuhan Univ. teachers
when he was about to throw the 2nd shoe.
“Hanjunyi” ran away, chased by 10+ security guards.
With the help of the netizens on the scene, “Hanjunyi”
Quickly ran to a safe place outside campus.
Students at Wuhan University took a photo the shoe.
They also bought a pair of new sandal for “Hanjunyi.”

From his hiding place, “Hanjunyi” sent a message to
Twitter saying “I hit the target!” His words are quickly
reposted by Netizens on Twitter and Microblogs.
They also celebrated this incident.
Many netizens voluntarily gave various awards to
“Hanjunyi”, such as 100 euro, cellular phone, inviting
him to a dinner, and free tour to Hong Kong or Shanghai.

Dr. Xie Tian, professor of South Carolina University:
“Now, we can say Chinese netizens are united against
the common enemy. The CCP』s blockage of internet
is not only notorious overseas, but also domestically.
It is a very unpopular act.”

Main stream media like AP, Deutsche Welle,
Radio France Internationale and Central News Agency
All reported on this incident. AP report said, this
“indicated that people dislike the strict control of
the internet by the Chinese authorities.

According to witnesses, after the incident, several
police cars showed up outside Wuhan University.
Vice President of Wuhan University also came.

Foreign media reported a news on Twitter that
Fang denounced the sponsors』 defenselessness,
but the sponsors admitted that they did not know
what netizens said or the campaign of “Throwing at
President Fang and Rescue China』s Internet”,
which has been widely forwarded by netizens,
since the sponsors cannot open Twitter due to GFW.

As of this moment, no protesters have been arrested
or punished by the university.
A netizen said: “Let me make a promise. If “Hanjunyi”
was punished and dismissed from college because of
this incident, I will help him solve his employment
problem.” Another netizen commented,
“This is significant. I saw the power and hope of
civil society for the first time today!”

Dr. Xie Tian said, from this incident in which Chinese
people can make an online appeal into real action,
We can tell that Chinese people, especially the
generation after 80s who enjoy social networks,
are fearless when facing the CCP.

Xie Tian: “This incident is very significant because its
success will encourage people to associate in
a larger scale and a stronger way. I think its main
progress is that Chinese people are fearless now.
The CCP has two tools which are lies and force, but
the social networks and Twitter have broken its lies.”

Xie also said that this year, many Chinese people
take to the streets to ask for democracy, protest in
different ways against Ai Weiwei』s arrest and the
successful activity against “the accomplice of
blocking Internet”. This is because nearly 100 million
Chinese people have declared to quit CCP and its
affiliated organizaitons since the publication of
the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”
7 years ago. Therefore, many people who can see
CCP clearly now have mostly awaken.

Xietian: “Because the 『Nine Commentaries』 help
people see CCP clearly, nearly 100 million Chinese
people quit CCP immediately. The radiation effect of
these 100 million people will affect another 300 to
400 million people around and this effect has actually
resulted in people』s awakening all over China.”

NTD reporters Zhao Xinzhi and Wang Mingyu
