




“世界筆者之聲國際文學節”主席薩爾曼‧拉甚迪(Salman Rushdie)等多名世界知名作家聯署聲明,抗議中共當局這一行爲。拉甚迪說,廖亦武是作品被刪減最多的中國作家之一,他的同胞多年來都無法接觸到他劃時代的作品,現在他的政府又想把審查的黑手伸到海外來。





Renowned Writer Prohibited from Going Abroad

Chinese authorities have barred famous writer
Liao Yiwu from going to the United States to attend
PEN Festival. The international literary organization
PEN condemned China’s act on Apr. 22, calling it
“trampling on citizen’s freedom of travel and speech.”

Larry Siems, PEN’s Freedom to Write program director,
said, Liao, an opening night guest of the festival,
was suddenly barred from attending this literary activity.

Liao planned to promote his two new books:
God Is Red and The Corpse Walker, deliver a speech
with 2 other writers, Zha Jianying and Yan Lianke,
and promote his books in Australia afterwards.

On March 28, the Chinese authorities informed Liao
to cancel all his activities. Liao argued they were only
literary activities and had nothing to do with politics.
However, the authorities threatened him and said that
he would disappear if he insisted on going.

Salman Rushdie, Chairman of the literary festival and
other famous authors issued a joint statement to protest
China’s act. Rushdie said, Liao’s writings are deleted
the most in China. People in China are not able to read
his landmark works. Now, the Chinese authorities try
to extend its censorship abroad.

Liao’s well-known book published in 2001,
“Interviews With the Low Level Folks”, which rendered
the Beijing government rather nervous, was banned
in China. However, its pirated edition was popular
in the newsstands across China. Liao joked himself
as “The underworld writer.” The book God is Red
tells Christians’ survivals in China,
another fearful topic for the Chinese authorities.

Liao said earlier, over the past 10 years, he has applied
16 times to go abroad, but succeeded only once to visit
Germany with the help from the German government.
However, after his return, he was “invited” for tea
many times by police, with his writing often interfered.

Rushdie said that an empty chair will be positioned
at the venue to represent Liao during the Festival.
U.S. International PEN also said that another guest
Yan Lianke is not allowed to leave China either.

NTD reporters Shang Yan and Xue Li
