

埃及和中國有多遠?10年前,埃及青年麥吉德-夏菲(Rev. El Shafie)因為基督教信仰被埃及政府逮捕,七天七夜的折磨,倒挂、煙頭燙、拔腳趾甲、傷口上撒鹽、撒檸檬,放狗咬;10年前,中國大陸堅持信仰的法輪功學員也遭受着酷刑折磨,老虎凳、死人床、電棍電、手指釘竹籤。



律師出身的夏菲花了兩年的時間研究加拿大的司法和社會體系,成立了“同一個自由世界國際組織”(one free world international),目前已經在世界各地有28個分支,為世界各地受迫害的信仰團體、少數族裔呼籲和抗爭。



名為《自由鬥士》(freedom fighter)的人權記錄片也正在加拿大巡迴放映,影片歷時四年,深入巴基斯坦,阿富汗等多個國家實地拍攝,攝製組曾七次被人槍擊。影片中反映中共迫害法輪功,活摘器官的部分令人震驚。













From Egypt to China with Shafie

A young man from Egypt was sentenced to death
10 years ago because of his religious belief.
After escaping to Canada he started to fight
for minority faith groups. So far his organization
has rescued 300+ people from dictatorship countries
He pays a lot of attention to China too.

How far is Egypt from China?
Shafie was arrested by the Egyptian government
10 years ago because of his Christian faith.
He was tortured 7 days and nights,
hunged upside down, burned with cigarettes,
his toe nails were pulled, salt and lemon were put
on his open wounds, dogs were let to attack him.
For the past 12 years Falun Gong practitioners
in Mainland China are going through similar torture,
including the ‘tiger bench’, ‘death bed’,
bamboo sticks inserted into their nails,
shocks with electric battons, etc,

Shafie finally escaped the jail and fled to Isreal.
With the help of Amnesty International and UN
he resides in Toronto as a political refugee.

With his lawyer’ background Shafie spends 2 years
studying the Canadian law and social system.
After that he founds One Free World International.
So far this organization has 28 branches
around the world, helping minority faith groups.

In their efforts Shafie and his friends collect evidence
knock on politians’ doors,
contact educational institutions, media,
raise public awareness on the issue.

Now the movie ”Freedom Fighter” is screening
in Canada. It took four years to make this movie.
Its crew went to Pakistan and Afghanistan
to interview witnesses and was shot at 7 times.
Falun Gong’s story is part of this movie too
and the viewers were shocked by the shown
Falun Gong persecution and organ harvesting
by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Shafie said that he heard of Falun Gong 7 years ago.

He thinks that if all minority groups could unite
and help each other this can be one great power.

However, the most important thing is to make
general public aware of the human rights violations.

Asked if he ever experienced moments of frustration,
Shafie hesitates and goes into deep thinking.

He plans to shoot another documentary and show
human rights violations in China and North Korea.
Shafie hopes he and his crew could go to China
to investigate with Canadian MPs.

It is to be seen how the Beijing’ government
will react to this challenge.
NTD will follow up this story for you.

NTD reporter Liu Shu Jun
