【禁聞】央行再加息 民眾指轉嫁通脹壓力





但國際經濟研究機構「凱投宏觀」(Capital Economics)分析認為,當局的經濟刺激措施導致信貸過量,才是通脹的真正原因。加息並不能解決信貸過量這一關鍵問題。












China Interest Rate Rise Criticized

China’s Central Bank plans to raise interest rates,
increasing the yearly interest rate by 0.25%.
This is the second interest rise in 2011.
Analysts believe authorities are concerned
that the increasing inflation pressure will cause
social instability. People accused the government
in shifting the inflation pressure onto the masses.
Experts predict China’s inflation will keep worsening.

According to Central Bank, on April 6 banks
are to increase the yearly interest rate by 0.25%.
Other base interest rates and personal housing
accumulation fund loan rates are adjusted too.
After the adjustment, the yearly deposit rate
is 3.25%, and the lending rate is 6.31% per year.

Wall Street Journal pointed that this rise shows
China’s Central Bank is worried about inflation
and food prices’ recent dramatic increase.
It predicted the probability of another large-scale
non-food product price increase in March.
Earlier, the inflation rate in February was 4.9%,
the same as in January. Many experts predict
China’s CPI hit a new high in March, passing 5%.

Cheng Xu, a Chinese economist at Moody’s,
told Voice of America, “China’s Central Bank
may want to raise interest rates to curb inflation,
reduce fixed-asset investment,
and lower the risk of a housing bubble.”

However, research institution Capital Economics
thought authorities’ economic stimulus has led
to excessive credit, the real cause of inflation.
Rate hikes can’t resolve the excessive credit issue.

BBC’s analysis also pointed out that
the wealth gap is continuously widening.
Poor families spend half of their income on food.
The rise of housing prices, energy and food prices
has affected middle-income families’ living standards.
Authorities want to alleviate social pressure
through raising interest rates,
to prevent them from causing regime’s instability.

Many people disagree with interest rate increases.
Netizens pointed out that this is shifting
the inflation pressure onto the people.
“The ruling class’s hands are in people’s pockets."
“House slaves" complain about rising mortgages.

Chinese media reported that this interest rate rise
affects mortgagers the most. The yearly mortgage
rate is 6.31%, and the 5-year mortgage rate
increased from 6.6% to 6.8%.

A netizen from Liaoning wrote on Sohu.com:
“Do people now have money to deposit in banks?
They spend all their savings to pay down payments.
As the mortgages keep on rising, they lose out.”

Another netizen said: “RMB appreciates globally,
but depreciates within China.
Authorities take the advantage from both sides.
The poor people pay the price.”

Another said: “What the government controls
is price rises. The housing and commodity prices
all rise under the regime’s control.
Are authorities playing the people?”

Some netizen said: “There is only one way out.
The Central Bank should print less money.”

This is the fourth interest rate hike in six months.
In 2011, it raised the deposit reserve ratio three times.

Economist Andy Xie told Sohu Finance
that decision-makers want to make people believe
that inflation is under control, through propaganda.
When firms demand to increase the product prices,
they were taught ideological work by authorities.
Xia said authorities believe in “psychological warfare"
but the inflation will continue to deteriorate.

Moody Finance’s Cheng Xu also believes
that in China, the prices of food, oil and metals
will rise. So inflation will continue to rise,
and Central Bank will continue raising interest rates.

NTD reporters Li Qian and Li Anan
