【禁聞】中共推“連鎖網吧” 統一監控











The Chinese regime have recently started promoting
the 『Chain Internet Cafés』 where each computer was
installed with uniform monitoring software, signifying
even tighter control of freedom and speech in China.
Nevertheless, the number of people who circumvent
the Firewall is increasing, indicating netizens』 strong
will to pursue freedom of speech and information

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to
promote the 『Chain Internet Cafes』 vigorously, and
stopped issuing licenses to individual Internet cafés.
Government media said that over the past 6 years,
130,000 Internet cafes were banned in China.
Last year, fines to individual Internet cafés reached
RMB88 million with RMB390,000 worth of equipment
confiscated and 7000 cafés ordered to close down.

Ms. Chen, Northeast China: “Internet is a virtual
world that the government cannot control without
banning private Internet cafes, because our private
networks have unique IPs that can be blocked.
So the government cannot control the Internet cafes
easily without linking them. The chain Internet cafés
are all connected with the CCP』s security system.
CCP』s regime controls the Internet in fear of Chinese
people』s communication with the outside world."

Once the private Internet cafés are linked and
installed with the uniform monitoring software, this
makes it convenient for police to monitor online
activities of every single computer in the chain.
Experts believe that the promotion of “Chain Internet
Cafes” is to control more tightly freedom of speech.

Internet writer, Jing Chu, from Guangxi province said:
“The CCP regime is very afraid of the information
disclosed on the Internet. They wanted to go back
to the old times when people blindly followed its
propaganda, which made it convenient
for the CCP to rule. This is their purpose.”

Mr. Li who, owned a small Internet café before, said:
”When police installed the 『Green Dam』 monitoring
software on computers, I uninstalled it the next day.”
His computers have DynaWeb and Free Gate
anti-blocking software to provide a convenient
information transfer. All browseing history is purged
after restarting computers, making it hard for police
to search. Once joining the “Chain Internet Cafes",
monitoring software cannot be uninstalled anymore.
In that case, the police can monitor all computers.

Even in those monitored Internet cafés, authorities
still require a user to register with a real name.
Some Internet cafés require netizens to use their ID
number to log on; other Internet cafés even require
photos taken before entering.

Popularity of the Internet makes it difficult to filter
information. The CCP government invested heavily
in recent years to continue obstructing netizens』
freedom of speech using the camouflage of
“fight against pornographic websites," or “Internet
content could endanger minors』 development."

Under the CCP』s repeated suppression,
China』s Internet café market has been shrinking.
However, this also provided opportunity to renew
anti-blocking technology. Statistics show that about
2-3 million netizens use anti-censorship software,
which is 5% of the total Chinese Internet users.
Although Youtube, Facebook and other popular
sites are blocked in China, the number of users who
circumvent the Firewall to visit these sites increases.
Video footages on Chinese unrests have been
uploaded to overseas websites quickly, indicating
the will of Chinese people for freedom of speech.

NTD reporters Chang Chun,Shang Yan and Li Ruolin
