



美國新澤西州共和黨國會議員克里斯‧史密斯 (Chris Smith) 到場支持併發表演講,他認為法輪功學員會被正義的尊敬﹐所有的人都敬佩所展現出的勇氣﹐他最近當選美國駐聯合國代表,將努力在聯合國人權委員會提出法輪功問題。

來自紐約、華盛頓﹑亞特蘭大﹑新澤西等幾個城市的20幾位受中共迫害的法輪功學員 在美國國會眾議院CANNON辦公樓召開新聞發佈會,講述了他們及家人因修煉法輪功在中國大陸所遭受的監禁、酷刑,有的甚至被迫害致死。多位國會議員表示,將盡一切努力幫助法輪功學員,制止中共迫害。


以下是新澤西州共和黨國會議員克里斯‧史密斯 (Chris Smith) 發表的演講 (經錄音整理成文)

我很高興能夠在這CANNON大樓參加你們法輪功偉大運動的10週年紀念。當年法輪功學員安靜﹑高貴﹑肩併肩的站在北京 (國務院信訪辦) 辦公樓前請願﹐卻被大面積的鎮壓。這個鎮壓﹐甚至從中國人來看﹐都是空前的殘忍與野蠻的。同時也顯示了中共政府巨大的弱點﹐以至於它們如此懼怕這些非暴力的精神信仰者。這些非暴力的法輪功信仰者只是為了追求一個更好的修煉環境﹐只是為了追求這個信仰能夠在中國存在。這件事情讓我非常吃驚﹐也讓國會的參議院和眾議院的許多議員﹐共和黨的和民主黨的﹐都很驚訝。

而我自己呢﹐只是給大家參考﹐就是不停的閱讀 People’s Daily 的英文版﹐以及當然﹐閱讀大量從中國來的刊物。這些刊物雜誌充滿著針對法輪功的仇恨﹐超過對其他宗教團體的仇恨。包括對西藏人﹐他們也在遭受苦難﹔以及對其他的人﹐如地下教會。中共對法輪功似乎有一股特別的恨意以及格外的野蠻。



在去年北京奧林匹克運動會之前﹐Frank Wolf 國會議員和我其實正在北京與中共的領導人見面。在每一次的會議中﹐我們都會提出法輪功的境況。我很驚訝的從他們的目光裡看到了他們的仇恨。提起法輪功﹐每一個人看起來都像面對一個絕對禁忌的事情。但是我們提出來了﹐而且在我們去的每個地方都強有力的提出法輪功問題﹐包括我們在北京舉辦的新聞發佈會上。奧林匹克運動會有個說法﹕“精神代表了全部”。它代表了開放及容忍。對法輪功的鎮壓﹐據我們觀察﹐比在奧林匹克運動會之前的鎮壓更為嚴峻。

我想讓你們知道我們國會有很多議員在密切的關注著。我們會繼續在法輪功問題上不斷的施壓。我一再的高調批評 (聯合國) 人權委員會在針對一般人權迫害﹐尤其特別是法輪功被中共政府迫害的問題上﹐嚴重的失敗﹗

當選駐聯合國代表團 繼續提出法輪功問題

對於聯合國因為中共坐在人權委員會成員國的位子上而無法執行(保護人權) 命令的問題上﹐這是超過我的能力範圍。但是我會繼續提出法輪功的問題。我已經當選美國駐聯合國國會代表團成員﹐在未來的幾個月當這次任期開始後﹐我會努力的在聯合國繼續提出法輪功的問題。




我﹐Frank Wolf 議員﹐和其他的國會議員向你們和美國其他地區以及其他國家來的法輪功學員保證﹐我們會繼續向我們的政府施壓﹐用各種方法來幫助法輪功。你們可能記得﹐我們曾經有過一些針對法輪功的國會聽證會。在美國以及其他地方想要威脅﹑恐嚇﹑騷擾法輪功學員的那些地痞流氓們﹐我們國會知道你們的惡行。我們會繼續為保障法輪功的自由與安全而努力。我感謝你們表現的﹑令人鼓舞的勇氣。你們永遠不會放棄。


中共推動建設經濟 卻在人權方面反向進行


當最惠國(MFN)行政命令生效的那段期間﹐我實際上去了中國。我帶了一封信﹐上面簽有一百位國會議員的簽名﹐包括現在的國會議長普洛西 (Pelosi) 的簽名。這封信上說﹐我們支持克林頓總統的立場﹐除非人權被尊重﹐否則沒有合法的美中貿易。


人權放在第一位 否則不能花錢在獨裁政權


我也不會忘記魏京生﹐這個偉大的中國民主之父。為了獲得2000舉辦奧運的權力﹐他被短暫的放出監獄的時候 (在1993年被中共政府)﹐我在1990年初在北京和他見過面。然後中共失去在2000年舉辦奧運的權力。於是他們又把他抓了起來﹐再投入監獄並且折磨他到幾乎死亡。他在被釋放出來立即舉辦的聽證會上發表了一份聲明﹐他說﹕「當你向中共獨裁政府磕頭時﹐當你向北京政府彎腰屈膝時﹐他們會更厲害的打我們。但是當你堅強的﹑公開的﹑可預知的﹐正視中共獨裁者的眼睛時﹐帶著正的力量﹐你是無法被動搖的。當這個正的力量用到人權上的時候﹐他們就不敢打我們了。」

不幸的是﹐我們國務卿的話是說人權也許重要﹐但是比起他們想要的東西來就太不重要了。我希望你們不僅在國會集會﹐也要在國務院集會﹐使人權問題能夠不要僅出現在人權對話上﹐或者出現在沒有解決辦法的兩國溝通上﹐而是出現在政府高層具有意義的會議上。這個問題必須要聯結在兩國的關係上﹐尤其在貿易上﹐我很願意看到與最惠國關係相關連﹐不論是我們給予了多少﹐或者我們得的多低﹐ 但是我認為還不夠。我們在1990年已經放棄了人權。在布什政府期間﹐他們曾經提出人權過﹐但是他們沒有將人權與中國政府在乎的事情連在一起提出。而現在的內閣他們甚至連提都不提了。他們不想因為人權問題而影響了兩國的關係。

問答部份摘錄 (問題省略)

我很了解你的意思。謝謝你提出這個問題。我們就是這樣做的。這也是我為什麼會相信的原因。因為奧巴馬總統在海外以及在美國有大量的支持者。但是為什麼不支持那些囚犯呢﹖我確實在一個記者招待會上因為一個相關的問題而被拒絕了至少三次。在古巴囚犯的問題上﹐我確定有兩次被拒絕﹐我們認為第三次也被拒絕。我們打開了貿易市場。我們打開了外交關係。我們伸出了所謂的張開雙臂。但是我們首先就遇到了一個握緊的拳頭。我的感覺是我們必須要更強大。我們有中國政府想要的東西。他們想要獲取我們的市場﹐沒有這個市場他們的經濟繁榮會受到嚴重的傷害。除了我們的市場﹐他們到哪裡去找有著價值美金3千億的市場﹖ 他們在歐洲是找不到的。他們在哪裡都找不到的。但是他們在美國可以找得到。所以我們有個制衡點﹐但是我們卻沒有去利用。所以所有的聯結與貿易事項又重新再提起。

像一胎化殺嬰 煉法輪功遭種族滅絕



這個政策 (一胎化政策) 開始於1979年。聯合國贊成﹑主張﹑支持﹑以及提供大量的金錢資源給中國政府來推進這個政策。這就是說﹐你們的朋友﹑鄰居﹑和你們的親人要繼續生存在這樣的暴政下。而我們現在正在撥款給這樣的組織﹐這個說強制墮胎是了不起的組織。錢是撥給聯合國人口基金會和其他的組織。女性的權利主張在哪裡﹖哪裡也沒有。

美國不能用微語外交 使獨裁政府聽不到

有一個作法你們也許考慮一下﹐在 (中共迫害法輪功)10年後的今天﹐我放肆的建議你們﹐在白宮的外面包圍成一個圈﹐像當年法輪功的學員一樣手拉手的﹐像當年你們和你們的親人在北京如此勇敢的做的一樣﹐說﹕「不要忘記我們﹗不要讓微語的外交變得如此安靜﹐以致於獨裁政府聽不到﹗」 我們需要非常的強大﹐但是做為一個美國政府﹐我們沒有做到。

到目前為止﹐我所聽到的是有關北朝鮮的人權迫害。在網絡還沒有大量有效傳播的時候﹐金正日﹐特別利用網絡作為壓制人民的工具。很遺憾的﹐Sysco 公司把警察網絡監控系統賣給了中共。現在有叫作「網絡警察」的秘密警察在那裡調查和追蹤那些要求自由的人們。Google 的老闆﹐過濾法輪功以及每一個有關自由與民主的名詞﹐不管是達賴喇嘛﹑人權迫害﹑台灣﹐以及任何間接推動有關自由與民主議題的事情﹐都被非常嚴厲的壓制著。Google 是一個過濾器﹐到目前為止﹐他們拒絕公佈他們過濾了哪些字﹐哪些名詞。


請注意我提的相關法案﹐去年被那些民主領袖們給刪除了﹐已經全面在執行並且被所有三個委員會﹕立法﹑財政﹑和外交事務委員會通過。但是這個法案被阻擋了﹐因為在這個城市金錢是萬能的。Google 的老闆在科技界現在有一個很牢固的工作。他現在已經是奧巴馬總統的紅人﹐參與科學計劃方面的事。我們知道有5到更多的人從Google 轉來。

我的有關行政命令的法案已經消減到沒有了。我們可能可以通過一個立案類似一個全球網絡自由法案﹐但是它可能只是前一個法案的影子或者是一個軀殼而已。我曾經與記者無疆界﹑國際大赦﹑人權觀察﹑所有人權組織和你們合作發展那個立法﹐就像你們知道的﹐是集中在非暴力政治言論與非暴力宗教言論上的。這些需要過濾器﹐需要像Google ﹑Microsoft﹑Yahoo ……等美國的能者。他們也想做一些好事。我們需要讓那個立案往前推進﹐因為感謝法輪功﹐能夠突破中共網絡封鎖。這個是一個非常好的主意﹐一個能夠突破過濾信息的立法。

I feel honored to be here, to join you on this tenth anniversary of the great work of the exercisers of Falun Gong, who silently and very graciously joined arm in arm around the buildings inside Beijing, only to have a massive crackdown imposed on the Falun Gong, that is, even in Chinese terms, unprecedented in its brutality and in its savagery. It also shows an enormous weakness on the part of the Chinese government, that they are so fearful and they are so afraid of the non-violent spiritual practitioners, who do seek a better way, and who do seek co-existence. And it amazes me, and it amazes many members of the congress of both the house and the senate, Democrats and Republicans. And I, just for the record, continuously read People’s Daily, the English version, of course, and many other publications coming out of China, and the pervasiveness of the hate that was focused on the Falun Gong exceeds the hate for others, including the Tibetans, who also suffer, and the others, the underground churches. There seems to be a special anger and a special savagery that is imposed on the Falun Gong.

We need to speak out more baldly now than ever, with thousands of Falun Gong (practitioners), who have been tortured to death, and others, who have been tortured to the point, where through psychotropic drugs and chemical means bear the scars in their mind and body of the cruelty by the Chinese government.

Frank Wolf and I were actually in Beijing, right before the Olympics, and we met with the Chinese leaders. And, in every meeting we had, we raised the plight of the Falun Gong. And it is amazing to me to see in their eyes, in terms of lack of response, that we got, a major hatred was there. It was like, Falun Gong was the ultimate taboo issue for anyone to raise. But we raised it, and we raised it robustly everywhere we went, including on a news conference that we held in Beijing. It was saying in the Olympics, spirit means everything. It means opening up and a sense of tolerance. The crackdown that we saw, has only gotten worse as opposed to before the games. I need you to know that many of us have followed it closely. We will continue pressing and pressing hard, on behalf of the Falun Gong. I have said repeatedly that Human Rights Council has failed miserably to focus on human rights abuse in general and Falun Gong abuse by the Chinese government in particular. And for the PRC to sit as a member of that UN body, which failed its mandate, is just beyond me. But I will continue to raise (the Falun Gong issue).

I have been selected as the congressional delegate to the UN. And I assure you as that term begins, which will be in a couple of months, I will work very hard at the United Nations to keep the Falun Gong (raised), as you have done so well, you have never forgotten those who are left behind. And it is a great credit to all of you, as you hold up members of your family and friends. We cannot forget, either. I congratulate you, and I encourage you to keep on pushing. And ultimately, as China some day shifts from dictatorship to democracy, the members of Falun Gong will be rightfully respected and actually admired for the courage that all of you have shown.

Let me just add that Frank Wolf and I and the others will continue to press our own government to do all within its means to ensure that all of you and others in the United States and certainly other countries, where, as you may recall, I have seen some hearings on this. The fact that the bullies in America and elsewhere, to try to bully and harass the Falun Gong (practitioners), who are here. We will continue to fight to ensure that you (have your freedom and safety). Thank you for your courage and you are inspiring. You never quit.

Finally, as I can recall I offered the first looking ever to pass the house on the Falun Gong seven years ago. We will continue doing that. Again, my efforts will keep the plight of Falun Gong on the front centre row.

And I also ask you to keep the pressure on this administration, if you will. I have the belief and I worked on this even before I even heard the Falun Gong, about human rights in general. There was a missed opportunity in the early 1990s, when President Bill Clinton linked the most degradation status with human rights, only to abandon it completely one year later, in early 1990s. The dictatorship in Beijing took its cue from them, and started to move robustly in building up the economy while simultaneously going in the opposite direction on basic fundamental human rights.

I actually went to China during the period when the MFN executive order was in effect. And I brought a letter signed by a hundred members of the congress, including now Speaker Pelosi, saying that we stay behind the Clinton administration, that no trade on a legalized basis, unless human rights are respected. Unfortunately, that executive order was just ripped in half by the former President Bill Clinton. And when our current Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, made her way to China, I had a sense of déjà vu, when she went there paddling, changing bills to finance our US deficit on a spending spree, and said that she did not want human rights to interfere with the relationship with China.

I have raised (the issue) personally with her. I said what I said here to her, face to face. I said when I was having breakfast with her at the State Department: “Human rights have to be the first, second and third and everything else and come into play. Otherwise, we are unable to spend on the dictatorship.

I will never forget Wei Jingsheng, the great father of the Chinese democracy. When he was let out of prison briefly (by the communist government in 1993), in order to procure the Olympics in 2000, I met with him in Beijing in the early 1990s. And so they lost the Olympics in 2000. So they grabbed him again and put him back in the prison and tortured him almost to death. He made a statement then on a hearing held immediately upon his release, and said: “When you cuddle dictatorship, when you count out on bended knee to Beijing, they beat us more. But you are tough, transparent, predictable, when you look into the Chinese dictator’s eyes, with a sense of strength, and you are immovable. When it comes to human rights, they beat us less.

Unfortunately, the message of the Secretary of State is that human rights maybe matter, but they matter far less than they ought to. I hope you will rally, not just on congress, but on the State Department, to get human rights not just in a dialogue or in a bridge to no where, but at the highest levels, and with meaning. It needs to be linked to our relationship, whether it’d be on the trade, which I’d love to see it re-connected to MFN, which is not likely given how far we have come or how low we have gotten. But I cannot say enough. We abandoned human rights during the 1990s. During the Bush administration, they were raised, but they were not raised with linkage to something that matters to the Chinese government. And now they don’t even talk about it, they don’t want it to interfere with our relationship.

Q&A Section (Questions are omitted)

Your point is so well taken. And thank you for bringing it forth. That is what we always do. That is why I believe that, given the fact that Barak Obama has an enormous amount of goodwill overseas, as well as in United States. Why not use that for the prisoners? A related matter I actually held on a press conference that I have been denied for at least the third time now. Two times for sure, we think of the third denial, to get into the Cuban prisons. We opened up trade. We opened up the relationship. We extend a so-called open hand. But we are met with a clinched fist. My sense is that we need to be much stronger. There are things that the Chinese government wants. They want access to our markets, without which their economic prosperity would be severely hurt. Where would they find markets for three hundred billon dollars worth of goods, other than our market? They won’t find it in Europe. They won’t find it in anywhere else. But they will find it here. So we do have leverage but we fail to use it. So, that whole issue of linkage and trade has to be revisited.

Like I said, we were off to a wrong start, when the secretary of state says that she doesn’t want human rights to interfere with “other issues”, like buying our treasury bills. That was outrageous. I said it to her and I will say it here again: “I wasn’t concerned, like you mentioned, about abortion, which was one of the most horrific crime against women. It is the most horrific crime against women. In humankind, never has brothers and sisters been made illegal, and systematically children killed, simply because they don’t fit into the government’s quota system. They are missing out a hundred million of girls, who have been…due to the disparity between the male and females. The Falun Gong (practitioners) feels that even more, because they use that as a genocide against the Falun Gong.

And where is the United Nations? We just gave fifty million dollars to the UN Population Fund, which aided and imbedded forced abortion in China, since the early 1980s. This program (i.e. one-child policy) began in 1979. The UN has applauded, advocated and enabled and provided substances granting capabilities to the Chinese government to promote this policy. So, that means, your friends, neighbors, and certainly your loved ones continue to live under that tyranny. But we are giving money to the group that said it (i.e. abortion) is great. (Money is given into) the UN Population Fund and other groups. Where are the women’s rights advocates on that? No where to be found.

One thing you may consider, I am at the risk of being presumptuous ten years later, you may form a ring around the White House, as Falun Gong practitioners holding hands, as you and your loved ones did so bravely in Beijing, and say: “Don’t forget us! Don’t make it a whispering diplomacy so silent, that the dictatorship doesn’t hear it.” We need to be very strong on this, but we are not, as a government.

And of all things that I am hearing on now are the North Korean human rights abuses. The Kim Jong-il, while there is not wide spread availability of Internet, uses the Internet especially towards the repressive means. Regrettably, Sysco sold Police Net to the Chinese government. Now there are secret police called cyber police that are second to none, in knowing and tracking those that speak out of freedom. The head of the Google, who is censoring Falun Gong and every other expression of freedom and democracy, whether be the Dalai Lama, the human rights abuse, Taiwan, any issue that remotely promotes the agenda of freedom and democracy is severely repressed. Google is the censor, and it refuses to this moment to disclose what words, what phrases will they censor out. Lo, behold, my bill that got killed last year, by the democratic leadership, was already gone for full action and was released by all three committees, judiciary, commerce and foreign affairs committee. But it was blocked, because money talks in this town. The Google chief now has the tough job on the technology. He has now become Obama’s top person, when it comes to dealing with scientific projects. We knew that there are about five people or more in transition from Google. My bill that talked about executive orders was shredded to nothing. We may get an act similar to a global online freedom act, but it will be a phantom or a shell of its former self. I worked with Reporters without Borders, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, all human rights groups and you, to develop that legislation, which, as you know, focuses on non-violent political speech and non-violent religious speech. That requires that the censors, American enablers like Google, Microsoft, Yahoo… They are trying to do some good things. We need to get that legislation forward, because thanks to the Falun Gong, it is a very good idea to break that Internet wall, that the legislation to censor that information.

