【新唐人北京時間2021年04月19日訊】南非桌山(Table Mountain)發生森林大火,四竄的火花波及鄰近的開普敦大學,學生逃離宿舍,校園多棟建築、民宅及歷史建築物遭燒毀。消防隊員出動直升機水砲滅火,已知一名消防人員灼傷送醫治療。
路透社報導,起火點鄰近魔鬼峰(Devil’s Peak)一處紀念礦業大亨羅茲(Cecil Rhodes)的園地,不久後就延燒到整個山坡。
南非排名最高的開普敦大學(University of Cape Town),校址就位在魔鬼峰山腳,大火延燒,學生被迫驚慌沿著大路逃離宿舍,並眼睜睜看著賈格爾圖書館(Jagger Library)遭毀。大火同時摧毀了多棟民宅、歷史建築物,以及有225年歷史的莫斯特磨坊(Mostert’s Mill)。
WATCH: A wildfire that started on South Africa’s Table Mountain reached the nearby University of Cape Town on Sunday, setting buildings ablaze and forcing student evacuations. pic.twitter.com/bbQyY4mDBQ
— CBS News (@CBSNews) April 19, 2021
More than 200 firefighters and emergency personnel were deployed to battle a raging wildfire on the slopes of Cape Town’s Table Mountain on Sunday.
Cape Town University students were forced to evacuate the campus. No fatalities have been reported so far pic.twitter.com/YWMQio1DWx
— Bloomberg Quicktake (@Quicktake) April 18, 2021
Efforts continue to contain a vegetation fire in the mountain above UCT.
The City of Cape Town is engaging in active firefighting efforts along with TMNP and the Volunteer Wildfire Service.
At this stage, UCT has initiated an evacuation of student residences. #CTNews pic.twitter.com/3qtF6CqcXS
— City of Cape Town (@CityofCT) April 18, 2021