圣诞蛋糕 纯素朱古力


小朋友开圣诞party家长们想做些得意又健康慨小食比佢哋, 今次妈女厨房精心设计一个又玩得又好食的cupcake,用健康材料好快便做到。

材料 Ingredients
份量 12个杯子蛋糕 Makes 12 cupcakes

162克低筋面粉 162g soft flour
164克白砂糖 164 caster sugar
32克可可粉 32g coco powder
一茶匙梳打食粉 1 tsp baking soda
半茶匙盐 1/2 tsp salt

78毫升米糠油 78ml Rice bran oil (we used Rizi rice bran oil)
一茶匙白醋 1 tsp white vinegar
237毫升暖水 237ml warm water
一茶匙云呢拿香精 1 tsp vanilla essence/extract

圣诞树装饰: Christmas tree decoration:

12个雪糕筒 12 ice cream cones
糖霜 (适量) Frosting of your choice
绿色食物色素 Deep green food colouring
1个奶油用的袋 1 piping bag
1个细星形花嘴 1 small star shape piping nozzle
12 蛋糕纸杯 12 cupcake cases
装饰糖果 (适量) Surprise candle of your choice


──转自 YouTube

