扎布爾(Zabul)省長亞瑪爾(Rahmatullah Yarmal)說:「位於扎布爾省卡拉特(Qalat)的國家安全局(National Directorate of Security)19日早上淪為汽車炸彈攻擊目標。同樣坐落此地的扎布爾省區域醫院也在攻擊中被摧毀。」醫院中有數名女性、孩童、衛生工作人員和病人受到重傷。
議會議長哈巴揚(Atta Jan Haqbayan)表示,「傷亡人數可能還會攀升,搜救團隊和人員仍在瓦礫堆中尋找生還者。」
Over 20 dead as VBIED struck #NDS HQs (Intelligence Directorate) in Qalat City of Southern Zabul Province in #Afghanistan.
Those who scuttle #Afghan peace process as a bargaining chip for securing #US troops presence need to ponder over horrors of such destruction. #TalibanTrump pic.twitter.com/cgcjY1XDn0— Farzana Shah (@Jana_Shah) 2019年9月19日
事後,塔利班發言人阿瑪迪(Qari Yousuf Ahmadi)宣稱塔利班為主使者,並表示這起攻擊是針對國家安全局,已奪走數名情報人員性命。
阿富汗9月28日舉行總統大選前,塔利班曾揚言將破壞總統大選。本週稍早,塔利班在阿富汗總統甘尼(Ashraf Ghani)位於中部巴萬省(Parwan)的競選集會附近和喀布爾分別發動兩起攻擊,共造成近50死、數十人受傷。
甘尼在這場選舉中,將迎戰行政首長阿布杜拉(Abdullah Abdullah)和10幾名競爭對手。
#Zabul Truck Bomb Attack: Initial reports from the province suggests around 7 people are killed and 85 are wounded. The truck bomb exploded near the @NDSAfghanistan office in Qalat, capital of the province. #Afghanistan pic.twitter.com/pTeu20nULI
— RTA World (@rtaworld) 2019年9月19日
Taliban bombed a hospital today in Qalat #Zabul, a Taliban suicide bomber, with a vehicle full of explosives, targeted a hospital and took the responsibility for it Taliban continue to target civilians while their leaders travel to Iran and Russia.
#unhumanaction #Terrorists pic.twitter.com/EilK43aJeA— Mahboba Akbar (@mahboba_akbar) 2019年9月19日