Sweet and Sour Fish
黃花魚1條/ yellow croaker
松子1/3杯/ cup of pint nuts
雞蛋1隻/ egg
醋1杯/ cup of vinegar
糖3/4杯/ cup of sugar
菠蘿2圈/ rings of pineapple
洋蔥1/4個/ onion
紅椒半個/ half red bell pepper
青椒半個/ half green bell pepper
生粉1杯/ cup of cornstarch
白胡椒粉1/4茶匙/ tsp of white pepper
鹽半茶匙/ half tsp of salt
麻油半茶匙/ half tsp of sesame oil
生抽半茶匙/ half tsp of soy sauce
番茄醬3/4杯/ cup of tomato sauce