【禁聞】三河近千民眾簽名 營救法輪功學員


【新唐人2015年01月12日訊】三河近千民眾簽名 營救法輪功學員




大連瞞報災情 數百受損商戶抗議








Nearly 1,000 People in Hebei Sign Letter Demanding Release of Falun Gong Practitioners

More and more Chinese people are openly showing support

for Falun Gong practitioners in China as more Chinese people

learn about the facts on Falun Gong.

In Sanhe City, Hebei Province, nearly 1,000 residents

are adding their signatures to a letter demanding the release

of four illegally detained local Falun Gong practitioners.

The Minghui website (minghui.org) reports that in Sanhe City

four Falun Gong practitioners, Kang Jingtai, Wang Zhanqing,

Ma Weishan and Wen Jie, were illegally arrested last April.

On Dec. 9, their cases were transferred

from the local procuratorate to the court.

Locals began a rescue campaign upon hearing the news,

demanding the immediate release of these practitioners.

According to the report, 956 people had signed

the petition by the beginning of January.

Hundreds of Market Fire Accident Victims in Dalian Protested Against Distorted Media Reports

On Jan. 7, a fire accident occurred at a flea market

in Xianglujiao, Dalian City, Liaoning Province.

The fire burned for nearly 50 hours, but the local government

later attempted to conceal the facts of the accident.

Local media reported the commercial tenants

suffered economic losses of only several million yuan,

while victims say the real amount is several hundred million.

In addition, the government hasn’t announced

any plans for compensation or resettlement.

On Jan. 10, hundreds of victims gathered at the ruins

to protest against the distorted media reports

and demand compensation.

Large groups of police were sent to suppress

the demonstration.

Two people were arrested and another one was injured.

Some victims posted online messages saying the

government had been very ineffective in fighting the fire

as they failed to stop fire spread that could have

been controlled, leading to huge economic loss.

The entire incident has left many victims suspicious

that there might be an uncovered plot behind the scene.

Stockholm University Will Close its Confucius Institute by January

Stockholm University recently announced that it would not

renew the contract with the Confucius Institute.

The decision follows in the wake of many American

and Canadian universities that are rejecting the institutes.

The Confucius Institute of Stockholm University

will close on Jan. 30.

Confucius Institutes are sponsored and operated by

the Office of Chinese Language Council International,

and affiliated with China’s Ministry of Education.

Since its founding in 2004, Confucius Institutes have been

started in hundreds of universities all over the world.

Unlike other institutes specializing in cultural exchange,

such as British Council and Goethe-Institut,

Confucius Institutes are directly set up in foreign universities,

meanwhile funds, teachers and textbooks

are all provided by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Confucius Institutes have long been controversial

and been criticized for promoting the CCP’s ideology

in the name of Confucius.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
