北京開APEC 河南抓主管護師
廣東警察槍殺摩的司機 家屬抗議
江蘇400人罷工 抗議裁員不賠償
News on Human Rights Activities.
Let’s take a look at some of the human rights activities
that happened across China today.
Beijing Holding APEC, Chief Nurse Arrested in Henan
On Nov. 3, 52-year old Falun Gong practitioner Pan Yinjuan
was illegally arrested at work.
Police from Hongmen Police station, Xinxiang City,
Henan Province came to make the arrest.
Pan Yinjuan is the chief nurse at Xinxiang Medical College
Third Affiliated Hospital.
The reason for the arrest was that Beijing is holding the
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit (APEC).
According to U.S. minghui.org, the police also broke into
Pan Yinjuan’s house.
They took away keys, bank deposits, notes, ID, electronics
e.g. computers, tablet computers, mobiles and printers.
Guangdong Police Killed Motorcycle Rider, The
Family Protested
On Nov. 5, a motorcycle rider from Yongtan New Village of
Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province was killed by a traffic
policeman for not stopping when the traffic policeman
signaled for him to stop.
The driver was killed with three shots.
His family protested and blocked the road holding banners,
causing hundreds of people stop and watch.
Many policemen with police batons and shields went on site.
Four Hundred Workers Went On Strike To Protest At
No Compensation For Layoffs
On Nov.5, over 400 employees of Xuzhou Department Store
Co., Ltd in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province went on strike.
The protested against Yurun Group laying off many staff
without compensation after it acquired the company.
Property Owners in Hebei Province Protested Against
Forceful Collection of Heating Fees
On Nov. 5, nearly 1,000 home owners from Dingzhou City,
Hebei Province gathered at the government compound.
They were protesting against authorities’ forced collection
of heating fees and the high price of heating.
The protest ended in success.
The authorities hung up a notice, stating: “Canceled Heating
Fees and Lower Heating Prices.”
Selected Statements Withdrawing From The
Chinese Communist Party.