【禁聞】張高麗紐約遭抗議 狼狽要人扶














天津小學語文教師王女士:「他到天津之後呢,對法輪功的迫害情況要比以前嚴重了,就像(2010年)李希望,被迫害之後沒有超過十天,就通知家人去收屍了。 」



採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/鍾元

“Awfully Afraid”—Zhang Gaoli Faces Protests in New York

On Sept. 23, Zhang Gaoli, a Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

Politburo Standing Committee member, joined the New York

UN climate summit.

Zhang was greeted by several petitioners who had fled China,

and who protested with slogans as he stepped out of his hotel.

The petitioners told NTD reporters that Zhang Gaoli

had ran straight into their crowd, and in fear and panic,

he was helped into his vehicle by two bodyguards.

Falun Gong practitioners were also outside UN headquarters

in New York, and they gathered in front of the hotel entrance

of the CCP delegates, peacefully protesting against the CCP’s

persecution of Falun Gong.

Zhang Gaoli is alleged to be actively deploying people

to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in China.

The entrance of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Manhattan,

where Zhang Gaoli stayed, was surrounded by petitioners

armed with slogans on the morning of Sept. 23.

Zhang stepped out of the hotel around 8am and hurried into

a vehicle under the protection of CCP security and US police.

Petitioners shouted, “Zhang Gaoli, return the money

you robbed from us!”

A number of petitioners broke through the lines and went up

to the car, and one of them tried to pull open the backdoor,

while another rushed to raise a slogan to the front of the car;

they were quickly pulled aside by the police.

Petitioners continued to shout at Zhang Gaoli, demanding that

he return the money he robbed and protesting against the CCP

government, saying it did not give the Chinese people basic

rights to live—Zhang’s car departed amid the sea of protest.

Reports say about 30 people had protested that day;

most of them were from China or pro-democracy groups.

Among them was Appeal against China—an organization

formed by petitioners in New York who had fled China—

who protest whenever CCP leaders visit New York.

Chen Daili, a victim of forced demolition and relocation from

Jing’an in Shanghai, is a member of Appeal against China.

She says in order to petition against the CCP’s robbery of her

family property, they had come to Zhang’s hotel early at 6am.

Like others, they have been petitioning for many years,

but the CCP leaders have not listened.

Chen Daili: “We’ve been petitioning in Beijing for more than

a decade; the high-level officials won’t see it in China,

but here in this free country, we can stop their car

and we can shout, “the CCP is a corrupt party.”

“We’re protesting at the UN; but we wouldn’t see the leaders

from the protest area at the side, so we went to the hotel

to see Zhang’s face and show him our petitions.”

Upon seeing Zhang Gaoli step out from the hotel, Chen Daili

immediately rushed forward, but was stopped by the police

and CCP personnel.


Chen Daili, “He was very nervous; he saw our slogans

and our banners.”

“We shouted, ‘the CCP is a corrupt party’—he’s not deaf—

he definitely saw us and heard us, and he was awfully afraid;

he had to be physically supported by two men and he didn’t

dare to turn his head towards us and only looked at the car.”

“There were two men who had to help him,

because Zhang was in a total mess.”

Falun Gong practitioners also gathered outside the UN

headquarters in New York, against the brutal persecution

of fellow Falun Gong practitioners in Guangdong, Tianjin,

Shandong and Shenzhen, during Zhang Gaoli’s tenure.

They protested against 15 years of persecution by the CCP,

grouped outside the hotel where the Chinese delegates stayed.

Ms. Wang from Tianjin was once an outstanding teacher

in her local elementary school.

She and her husband—a TV host—were sent to labour camps

separately and jailed for 7 years for practicing Falun Gong.

Ms. Wang, past language teacher, Tianjin elementary school:

“After Zhang Gaoli arrived at Tianjin, the persecution of

Falun Gong became more severe.”

“A man named Li Xiwang was arrested and tortured in 2010,

and in less than 10 days, his family was told to recover

his dead body—this is only one example”

Like other high ranking CCP officials, Zhang Gaoli faces

resistance and protests against his human rights abuses

wherever he goes.

On Aug. 28 and 29, a delegation of 750 CCP personnel led by

Zhang participated in a China investment forum in Prague,

the capital of Czech Republic, at which leaders from central

and eastern European countries were also present.

Among the Chinese delegation were four CCP officials

alleged to have committed genocide and crimes against

humanity, who were met with peaceful protest by local

Falun Gong practitioners.

Aug. 25—Based in New York, The World Organization

to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong announced that

a formal investigation had begun over Zhang Gaoli’s alleged

crimes in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.

Interview & Edit/QinXue Post-Production/ZhongYuan
