【禁聞】江澤民生死成談資 民間兩派爭執


【新唐人2014年09月11日訊】江澤民生死成談資 民間兩派爭執





環時稱「愛國就要愛黨」 遭怒罵







教師節 民辦教師教育部討說法






Jiang Zemin’s Death Becomes Topical.

Is the former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Jiang

Zemin is alive or dead?

It became the hot topic in overseas media and mainland after

the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman gave a response.

Overseas media published various interpretations based on

the Chinese Foreign Ministry response.

Some said the response indicated Jiang’s critical condition;

perhaps not dead, but either way not much difference.

Some also said that the Foreign Ministry’s attitude shows

Jiang Zemin alive or dead is not important for the Party.

This topic became hot in the mainland as well. Peoples’

opinions even split into two groups.

One group hopes Jiang Zemin died because he is so hateful.

They will set off fireworks, and eat moon cake in celebration.

The other group strongly hopes he is still living because

he needs to be tried for his sins. Otherwise, he got off lightly.

On Sept. 9, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman responded

at a regular news conference about Jiang Zemin’s death;

“I can’t confirm it because it was the

first time I heard the news."

It’s believed by the outside world that this excuse is very

tricky and releases a lot of information.

Global Times Online Statement Cursed by Netziens.

On Sept.10, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece

Global Times published a signed article that to love China is

to love the Communist Party. It received ridicule and curses

among the mainland netizens.

This article, entitled “Patriotism and love of the party is the

same in China" said that due to the infiltration of Western

ideology, being patriotic but not necessarily loving the Party

and the government is very popular among young people.

Mostly those born in the 1980’s and 90’s.

They also dug the Communist Party’s ruling foundation


The article claimed that Patriotism and love of the party are

essentially the same.

This is because the CCP is centralized reflection and the

outstanding representative for Chinese peoples’ interests.

The article has been ridiculed by a large number of netizens

on the mainland website Sina microblog.

Some argued that, “based on this logic, loving the country was

to love the Republic of China and the Nationalist Party because

they are the People’s Republic of China establishments.

Was it a betrayal to overthrow the Republic of China and

drive out the Nationalist Party?"

Some people cursed, “it’s pure bullying for the mouthpiece

to shamelessly advocate loving the party state!"

Teachers’ Day, Seeking Explanation From The

Education Ministry.

Sept. 10 is mainland Teachers’ Day.

Dozens of dismissed private teachers and substitute teachers

petitioned in front of the Ministry of Education in Beijing.

According to mainland Livelihood Watch website report,

these teachers are from Zhejiang, Xinjiang, Hebei, Anhui

and other areas. They petitioned for their own security,

medical benefits, and better treatment.

Thousands of private teachers protested at Xincheng square

in front of Shaanxi government.

They are dissatisfied with the solution for

local private teachers.

According to the report, they held banners requesting a

dialogue with the Vice Governor;

But the banner was grabbed by the police.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
