【禁聞】共同抵制中共 台灣民間聲援香港






總部設於日本東京的時事評論雜誌《外交官》(The Diplomat),形容張志軍此行的「重要性」,被中國媒體宣傳為「可比擬人類登上月球」,而事實是,張志軍這次訪臺,恐怕會壟罩在台灣的「太陽花學運」氣氛下。




台灣立法院跨黨派國際人權促進會會長尤美女:「香港人自己的民主要靠自己來爭取。中國自己是聯合國人權委員會的委員,但是它(中共) 卻對於人權、對民主、對自由打壓不已。所以在這裡我們會覺得說,中國(中共)應該多聽聽人民的聲音,也多聽聽香港人的聲音,能夠尊重香港人民的自決。」

有70多萬香港民眾日前參與了「讓愛與和平佔領中環」( Occupy Central with Love and Peace)「全民投票」活動,票選香港行政長官普選的方案。





採訪/陳漢 編輯/周平 後製/周天

Taiwan Civil Support to Hong Kong Democracy Movement

As the head official from Communist China’s Taiwan Affairs

Office visited Taiwan on June 25, protests were held

outside the hotel at Taoyuan Intl. Airport

where the official meeting took place.

Taiwanese student movement leader Fei-fan Lin was recently

refused a visa application to Hong Kong.

It is suspected that it was due to deliberate interference

from Beijing with Hong Kong government.

Taiwan’s opposition party also voiced their support

of the democratic movement in Hong Kong.

Taiwan Affairs Office Director Zhang Zhijun

arrived in Taiwan on June 25.

He was greeted by a number of Taiwanese officials,

as well as protestors.

In the afternoon, heads of the cross-strait Affairs Offices

Zhang Zhijun and Yu-chi Wang met for a second time.

Around 11:00 am, protestors at the airport broke into quarrel.

Taiwan’s Liberty Times described the scene as “explosive”,

after a young man suddenly punched a Taiwan Solidarity

Union protestor and ran away.

Fei-fan Lin and Wei-ting Chen, the two leaders

of Taiwan’s Sunflower student movement in March,

also broke into clashes with the police outside the hotel.

The Sunflower student movement was initiated

in opposition to the cross-strait trade pact.

Tokyo-based magazine, The Diplomat, describes how China’s

mouthpiece explicitly compared the importance of Zhang’s

Taiwan visit to that of the first moon landing, but in fact,

the Sunflower movement overshadows Zhang trip to Taiwan.

The Diplomat commented that Communist China”“has been

trying to determine how to modify its approach to cross-strait

relations” since the Sunflower student movement.

The Diplomat says the recent meetings are attempts

by Beijing to maximize public support for cross-strait relations

by widening its contacts“beyond the traditional connections

with KMT officials and business people”.

However Fei-fan Lin says Zhang should be willing to talk

directly with participants in the Sunflower Movement

to know the true voice of young people in Taiwan.

Wei-ting Chen was reportedly scheduled to participate

in Hong Kong’s July 1 parade, but was refused a visa.

Student movement leaders Fei-fan Lin and Guo-chang Huang

were also refused of visa applications to Hong Kong.

Fei-fan Lin wrote on his Facebook page: Other than political

reasons, there is no other reason to refuse their entry.

He says that the Communist regime once intimidated Taiwan’s

presidential election with missiles, and that now it interferes

with Hong Kong’s democracy movement via cyber attacks.

He says he wanted to visit Hong Kong to show his solidarity

with the referendum.

Even though the CCP has“blocked their entry into Hong Kong,

it could not block the persistent pursuit of democracy

and mutual support between Taiwan and Hong Kong”.

Mei-Nu Yu, Taiwanese member of parliament:“Democracy

for Hong Kong relies on the people obtaining it for themselves.

Though mainland China is a member of the United Nations

Commission on Human Rights, it suppress human rights,

democracy and freedom endlessly.

China (the CCP) should listen to its people’s voice,

to the needs of the Hong Kong people and respect their choice.”

More than 700,000 Hong Kongers participated in the Occupy

Central with Love and Peace“referendum” campaign, to show

their wish to their right to vote for Hong Kong Chief Executives.

Sima Ri, photographer for Taiwan-based Taste of life magazine:

“Why would more than 700,000 people in Hong Kong join

the referendum, knowing that it has no immediate effects?

That’s because their actions will clearly demonstrate their

dissatisfaction with the Communist regime.

To us in Taiwan, we care about the Hong Kong referendum,

because it could happen to Taiwan too.”

Mr. Wong, Taiwan citizen:“Hong Kongers can still express

their democracy with the referendum, but not the mainlanders.”

Taiwan’s opposition party, the Democratic Progressive Party,

issued a statement on the 25th, regarding Beijing’s white paper

on the one country two system policy in Hong Kong.

The statement says that the CCP’s claim to”comprehensive

governance rights" over Hong Kong is a betrayal of its

“one country, two systems” promise.

It’s not just Hong Kongers who find it unacceptable,

it also causes Taiwanese to greatly resent mainland China.

The opposition party also stated its support of and solidarity

with the people of Hong Kong who pursue democracy.

It called on the Hong Kong government and Beijing to respect

the people’s decision as shown in the referendum,

and be pro-active toward Hong Kongers’ demand

for genuine universal suffrage and democratic reform.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ZhouPing Post-Production/ZhouTian
