












採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/陳建銘

Albania, a Lesson for the Chinese.

In a recent meeting in Moscow held by the NGO Memorial

Human Rights Center, former Communist regime Albania

was discussed: how to face the history of political persecution,

how to clean the debris of Communism, and

how to compensate victims of the political persecution.

Scholars said in the meeting that setting up research into

Communist crime is not enough to completely

clean out the remains of communism in Albania.

Like the other Communist regimes, Albania had

experienced bloody terror and violence under the leadership

of Hoxha, the firm follower of Stalin.

Thirty percent of Albanians were politically persecuted

or cleansed.

Voice of America quoted scholars in the meeting,

whose latest survey showed as many as 13,000 Albanians were

secretly executed without trial.

The whereabouts of their remains unknown to this date.

In addition, the Communist struggle philosophy was vividly

displayed in Albania.

Hoxha’s comrades at the Central were nearly all “cleansed"

in the internal power struggle.

Zhong Weiguang, political scientist:

“The persecution Hoxha conducted was very familiar to us,

who have been through the Cultural Revolution.

In the darkest era of China, 1966, Albania was the dearest

friend of China.

Hoxha was one of the most typical Stalinists.

Like the CCP, they were built on the persecution of the people.

The cruel internal party struggles demonstrate that the people

would only get even more brutal and bloody violence."

The collapse of Eastern Europe caused the Albania leader

to resign in fear of the same fate as Romanian

Communist leader Nicolae Ceausescu-execution

by the people on the spot.

Zhong Weiguang: “Albania did not have political dissidents.

The cruelty had made dissident voices weak.

It was the same in China. In the 80s, there were no voices

from dissidents, but only reformists from within the Communist

Party, who were merely trying to save the CCP.

That is the reason why in 1989, there were no dissidents

of courage and influence."

Scholars in the meeting mentioned that, compared with other

former communist countries in Eastern Europe,

the effort of Albania to settle communist

crimes has been unsatisfactory, reported the VOA.

In 1990, Albania ended 48 years of one-party dictatorship

by the Communist Party.

However, the elite party members continued to work

in government and became the Albanian Socialist Party.

This incomplete transformation of the democratic Albania

is believed to have resulted in slow improvement in economy

and politics.

The country remains in prolonged power disputes

among political parties.

Zhong Weiguang: “I believe, regardless of the ruling party,

the priority is to understand history in order to prevent

the replacing party from repeating the same mistake.

I think the chaos in much of Eastern Europe has been caused

by the incomplete transformation from former Communism.

It could also be said that in fact, they have not learned about

their own countries.

The societal supervision has not fully functioned.

In the transformation into a democratic society,

these people get to fish in troubled waters."

Zhong Weiguang is an authoritative figure in totalitarian

research, currently living in Germany.

He says that different voices were not heard in mainland

China until 1999.

Since the publication “Nine Commentaries on the Communist

Party" in 2004, many more people began to recognize

the nature of the CCP.

Prior to this, those so-called reformists were not expected

to cause any fundamental changes to the CCP,

but postpone the development of history.

Zhong Weiguang believes the lesson from Albania is that only

in complete abandonment of Communism —

and denouncement of the CCP,

will China have a fundamental transformation.

Interview & Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/Chen Jianming
