【禁聞】大陸教育種苦果 百萬高中生棄考








加拿大acadia university留學生小金:「總體來說還是國外教育比較自由一點,學術比較自由一點。」









採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/舒燦

A Million High School Graduates Abandon Entrance Exams

Increasingly more high school graduates are abandoning

the college entrance exams.

This year, a million new graduates have given up on the exam

and choose to either work or study abroad.

Critics say this trend of losing high caliber Chinese

is a consequence of the failing education system

and job market bias.

Official data shows that over the past five years, as many

as 10 percent of Chinese high school graduates have given up

on the college entrance exam, seriously affecting

many local recruits.

Consequently, colleges suffer from lack of enrollment.

Insiders revealed that registration at many vocational

institutes has declined by more than 30 percent

and colleges by more than 10 percent.

However, enrollment in the study abroad program increased

at a rate of 20 percent annually.

The education department revealed that students

with financial difficulties and poor academic performance

choose to join the work force.

However, top students of elite schools

all elect to study abroad.

Mr. Dong, high school chemistry teacher in Shenyang:

“It is very common.

The majority of students are willing to study abroad.

At one of our local elite high schools, the top 100 graduates

have already received admissions from foreign institutions."

A study abroad survey showed many families believe

there are numerous problems in China’s modern education.

A wide gap exists between education in China

and in the West.

Many parents hope their children will receive better education

and development opportunities abroad.

Mr. Dong: “First of all, our education system has fallen

behind the entire world.

Take our science as an example, whether it is mechanical

engineering, medicine or law, none are recognized abroad.

Our diploma is not recognized.

Students have to start from the beginning.

Many people have studied abroad because of the system."

Xiao Jin student at Acadia University, Canada:

“Overall, there is more academic freedom overseas."

There is another theory regarding the abandonment

of the entrance exam, “the useless entrance exam”.

Many people believe higher education is a waste of energy,

money and time due to the low employment rate

and the biased job market. It is better to join the work force.”

Mr. Dong: “The abandonment of the entrance exam

is inevitable.

The education system is the number one problem.

The social system is the second problem.

To survive well, a good family background is key.

There is a very popular saying—“The daddy competition”.

A powerful and capable family guarantees your future.

Without any background, might as well just join

the work force now."

Former Associate Professor at Capital Normal University,

Li Yuanhua, indicates that to some extent, the useless entrance

exam theory and the phenomenon of abandoning the entrance

exam reflects the failure of education in China today.

Li Yuanhua: “The development of higher education in China

today is just a growth in number.

Rather than developing talent, the Communist regime

uses higher education to profit.

For more than a decade, enrollment has become a means

of wealth at the cost of quality and higher education.

Education has become an industry, causing many drawbacks

in China’s higher education today."

The drain of talent is not only reflected in the abandonment

of the entrance exam or the study abroad program.

Many more high caliber Chinese students have remained

abroad after finishing study.

Consequently, China leads the world in loss of talent.

Li Yuanhua: “To develop top talent, a free society

is more suitable due to a level playing field and opportunity.

In China, under the control of the Chinese Communist Party,

there is more bribery as well as corruption.

True talent might be neglected.

That is why people are willing

to seek opportunities overseas."

Xiao Jin: “Many graduates have stayed abroad.

They feel the competition is fair.

There is not as many shady transactions as in China."

Experts predict that over the next few years,

more high school graduates will abandon the entrance exam.

More elite talent will emigrate overseas.

Interview & Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/ShuChan
