

【新唐人2014年05月19日訊】被中共媒體吹捧的「愛國僑領」和「慈善家」胡偉星(Vincent Wu),如今卻淪為「涉黑」大佬。15號,廣東惠州法院一審宣判胡偉星犯有七宗罪名,判刑20年,並沒收財產2億元,和罰金50萬元。「愛國僑領」如何變成「涉黑大佬」﹖請看以下報導。














中國憲政學者陳永苗:「現在好像大家都說,現在的政治氣候是,各種抓 ,一個關鍵字就是,抓,各種抓。從抓律師、抓大老虎、抓官員,然後再抓黑社會,我覺得應該是一個整體氣候的一個組成部分。」


採訪/朱智善 編輯/周平 後製/李智遠

Patriotic Chinese American Accused as a Mob Boss.

Touted as the patriotic Chinese American by the Chinese

Communist Party (CCP ), Vincent Wu, is now charged

with gang crimes.

On April 15, Guangdong Court delivered the verdict of 20

years of imprisonment, confiscation of 200 million yuan of

property, and fines of 500,000 yuan over 7 crimes.

Why is a patriotic overseas Chinese involved in gang crimes?

Please see our report.

Vincent Wu, also known as Hu Weixing, chairman of a real

estate development company in Huizhou City, Guangdong,

and a general manager of fruit wholesale market in Foshan

City, is a U.S. citizen and Hong Kong permanent resident.

On June 22, 2012, Guangdong dispatched 600 police to arrest

Vincent Wu and 40 other people and seized over 70 guns

among many other pieces of evidences.

Vincent Wu has been detained since then.

The CCP denied U.S. citizenship identity as he had entered

China as a Hong Kong resident.

He was tried between Feb. 10 and April 3 this year as a

Chinese citizen.

Visits from the U.S. Consulate officials were refused.

On May 15, Vincent Wu received a 30 year sentence from

Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court, with a 20 year

miminum to serve.

The court identified that he had covered up gang activity with

his real estate company.

He was also guilty of seven crimes, including kidnapping,

fraud, arson, gambling operations, and illegal possession of


Vincent Wu, a pro-CCP businessman, was the Chairman of

the National Association for China’s Peaceful Unification at

Los Angles.

According to his son, Kenny Ka-Shing, Wu stated in his call

for the CCP leader’s help that Wu had been the leader in

organizing welcoming receptions for the CCP leadership to

visit LA among overseas Chinese associations.

Today, Vincent Wu is on the top of the CCP’s gang list to be

cracked down on.

Li Shanjian, China issue commentator: “I believe he had

manipulated the corruption and the relationships within the

CCP to gain personal interests in businesses.

In the entire process, he had taken advantage of loopholes but

neglected the fact that in such a lawless society, he could very

well become a victim."

Kenny Wu stated that his father was a man of integrity and


His being hit as a gang was due to some local officials being


Vincent Wu had invested in China since 1998 in real estate,

fruit markets, shopping centers, and office buildings.

In 2002, former police officer Lin Qiang was interested in

Wu’s fruit wholesale market in Foshan, and thus a decade-

long struggle of options was initiated.

Late last year, Kenny Wu held a help solidarity meeting in

Los Angeles with the help of Human Rights in China, LA.

Kenny Wu indicated that his father was tortured in prison.

He said: “Every time the police would beat him until he

signed their pre-written statement."

The 40 other employees were also subject to beatings until

they were willing to sign.

Li Shanjian: “He thought he had done things for the CCP,

and he would have been rewarded.

In fact, throughout the history of the CCP, those who are no

longer useful to the CCP are subject to miserable endings.

No one will help when his value no longer exists.

It should be said that being a member of destroying a normal

society, he is doomed to be disappointed to hope for

protection from the legal system."

Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post quoted Vincent Wu’s

family argument; Wu’s brother and Wu’s business competitors

had bribed police in Huizhou, Guangdong, to fabricate charges

against Wu.

Several defendants also claimed that the police had conducted

forced admissions.

In the court, intense scenes occurred. Wu and the 33 other

defendants told the judge that they will appeal.

Wu said: “This is a great injustice.”

Chinese constitutional scholar Chen Yongmiao indicates that

the regime is in a chaotic arrest climate.

Chen Yongmiao, Chinese constitutional scholar: “It seems

everyone is saying that the current political climate is arrests.

From the lawyers, the big tigers, the officials,

to the underworld.

To me, it is part of the overall political climate.”

Vincent Wu’s daughter told Hong Kong media that the family

will continue to fight the lawsuit.

Interview/Zhuzishan Edit/Zhoupin Post-Production/Lizhiyuan
