【禁聞】中國非法外流資金 10年上萬億美元




美國華盛頓非營利機構「全球金融誠信」(Global Financial Integrity)組織,去年底發佈報告指出,從2002年至2011年,10年之間,中國大陸因逃稅、腐敗和犯罪等產生的非法資金外流,達1萬 800億美元,是「全球非法資金外流」最多的國家。





江蘇蘇州中學教師袁雪成: 我想資金外流首先要有一個規範上的問題,資金怎麼被逃出境的?然後如果是實名,比如我們到處都在講實名,買東西,存錢,買房子,都要實名,那麼這些資金外流為甚麼沒有實名?第三個,假如我們某些國家或組織能夠查到是誰或者哪些機構的資金外流了,那能不能夠追究他們?」




李毓:「 因為大家都是地球村,任何一個地方都希望自己的環境都是謙謙君子,都不可能容忍流氓存在,我認為這是必然的。我只是覺得,瑞士銀行的這個舉措太晚了。早就應該做。人類是共有的。應該遵守共有的道德觀。對於貪官肯定是點了死穴了。」





採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/蕭宇

More than 1 trillion US dollar funds illegally outflow China in past decade

Switzerland decided to terminate its banking secrecy,

and this is highlighted by the global media.

But it is notable that till now

the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Authorities

have never required the Swiss banks to provide

the bank account information of fled corrupt officials.

By contrast, many other countries experienced

the refusals of Swiss banks.

As a matter of fact, China has been ranked

as number one country of

“funds illegally outflowing in the world”,

which is estimated at more than 1 trillion US dollars

during the past decade’s money laundering.

According to statistics,

China has almost 20000 corrupt officials

who successfully fled away overseas

and brought away funds

between 0.8 and 1.5 trillion US dollars.

The Organization of Economic and Cooperative Development

(OECD) headquartered at Paris published

an announcement on May 6 and stating that

on that day’s Annual Ministerial Conference,

34 OECD membership countries

and 13 other countries including Brazil, China and Singapore

together agreed to sign a treaty “Automatically

to exchange information and data among banks”.

Such a piece of news signals that Switzerland is no longer

the “tax haven” of the CCP’s corrupt officials.

Non-profit organization Global Financial Integrity

based in Washington DC,

published a report at the end of 2013.

The report shows that from 2002 to 2011,

the illicit outflowing of funds as a consequence of tax evasion,

corruption and crime reached 1.08 trillion US dollars

and China ranked as number one of

“funds illegally outflowing in the world”.

Since the mid-1990s, the absconded corrupt officials

who took positions in the CCP, Chinese governments

and state-owned enterprises had reached

between 16,000 to 18,000 and took away 0.8 trillion RMB,

according to a study report “The Channels of Transferring

Assets to Overseas by Corrupt Officials”

published by the CCP’s Central Bank in June of 2008.

A worker of one Shaanxi state-owned enterprise Li Yu:

“This is a government with unlimited power.

The group of vested interests have monopolised

the countries’ industries. They must know

that one day such assets will be not secured,

so once they have stolen people’s wealth, they had to

transfer the funds overseas. This is inevitable.”

Xiao Yang is the former President of the Supreme People’s Court.

In the “Anti-Corruption Report” published in 2009,

citing the statistics provided

by relevant governmental departments,

says, during the 15 years from 1988 to 2002,

the outflowing of illegal funds reached 191.3 billion US dollars

with a yearly average of 12.7 billion US dollars.

In terms of that time’s exchange rate of US dollars to RMB,

the outflowing illegal funds

could be more than 1.5 trillion RMB.

Yuan Xuecheng, a teacher of Suzhou High School

of Jiangsu Province,

says there are three issues to be noted.

Yuan Xuecheng:“I think, firstly illegal fund outflows

need to be regulated. How did the funds outflow?

Secondly, if it is done by real name,

for example we all talked about the real-name system

for buying something, saving money in banks,

buying a property.

So why did funds outflow without a real-name system.

Thirdly, if our country or governmental departments

can look up whose or which company’s funds outflowed,

so can we punish them?”

Mr Cao Siyuan, the ex-official of the previous Commission

for Structural Reforms of the CCP Central Committee,

told NTD, the new action of Switzerland

has an overwhelming significance

for attacking the corrupt officials.

Cao Siyuan: “This should be a destructive attack,

and should be affording general satisfaction.”

Li Yu says, the action of Swiss banks is equal

to dealing a death blow to the corrupt officials.

Li Yu: “because we are all living in a global village.

Every place is hoping its own community are men of honour

without the existence of hooligans.

I think this is inevitable.

I just thought, such an action done by Swiss banks is too late.

It should have been applied earlier.

We human beings should follow common moral rules.

So this is of course to strike a death blow

to the corrupt officials.”

The promise of handing over detailed information

of all foreigners’ accounts is paramount

for chasing corrupt officials or tax evaders.

Swiss banks have maintained banking secrecy

for their clients for several hundred years

and managed massive offshore assets

of around 2.2 trillion US dollars.

But British Financial Times reports,

some offshore account owners have transferred funds

to limited offshore financial centres

which refused to apply transparency policies.

American The Atlantic monthly magazine reported

in November of 2013, corrupt Chinese officials

and crooked businessmen smuggled billions

of dollars overseas.

Much of the funds has ended up

in overseas real estate—particularly

in high-end neighborhoods in London, New York,

Los Angeles, Sydney and Toronto.

The CCP Authorities are deploying

global chasing actions

during the current anti-corruption campaign.

In July of 2014, Canada and the CCP Authorities

had agreed to seize, share and return the proceeds of crime.

Chinese officials “are interested in understanding

where the assets are” in the U.S.,

and “the U.S. has said it will work with them,”

said Nathaniel B. Edmonds ,

a former Department of Justice official, last year.

Interview & Edit/Qinxue Post-Production/Xiaoyu
